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Everything posted by LJ

  1. Denninger feeds on fear. If the economy turned around tomorrow he wouldn't be getting mad paid off of his blog. He's a self righteous prick who TRULY isn't any better than any other analyst out there. He fakes his "year end results" by leaving off a lot of predictions he made that he missed, or calling one a "hit" when he missed 3/4 of his prediction. I take most of those guys with a grain of salt. There is a reason that no one ever heard of this IT guy with no training in economics till the shit hit the fan. Take his predictions with a grain of salt. That said, we were going into a long holiday weekend in the middle of summer, it's hard to compare 2 completely different trading scenarios
  2. I think 10 Coverage just started at 8
  3. or you can park on 13th if you can find any spots
  4. http://www.decadeonline.com/insp.phtml?agency=COL&violsortfield=section_number&record_id=PR0023673
  5. it;s changed names multiple times over the past few years, wouldn't doubt that it's because of health violations
  6. Goodluck... just remember something that an old time horse hauler told me when I first started driving, on if you ever get stuck in a traffic bind "remember, you are bigger than them, don't try to press through and make things worse, just stop, they will move" those words got us out of downtown dallas in the middle of evening rush hour with an 8 horse
  7. Yeah we stopped in there to check it out one day. The only concern we had is that they do not require any vaccines for any of their dogs. As long as your dog is vaccinated it shouldn't be a problem, but that still really concerned my gf.
  8. The 4paws place on waggoner? or Benchmark?
  9. Her clinic is in Lancaster. PM me when you guys are closer to going. They don't schedule very far out and only have like 10 spots (5 runs 5 cages). I've heard good things about the Big Walnut veterinary clinic or whatever just north of westerville on 3 if you are really set on boarding her at a vet.
  10. That's pretty shitty. At my gf's practice the dog gets 15 minutes in a 15x15 outdoor run 4 times per day and taken out to potty 2 more times. They also won't gaurantee it, but if you have a really nice dog the assistants will usually get your dog out a few more times during the day and play with them. They straight up admit though that they are only there for short term boarding, like going on vacation for one week once per year, not people who need their dog boarded multiple times per year. The kind of boarding Kapok is doing sounds like a good thing for people who go out of town a lot, there need to be more boarding places like that.
  11. that;s what i was talking about.
  12. cats kill tons of babies every year
  13. I've fostered abused dogs before. Some will be mean towards everything, others will just be shy, but clingy. A Cattle dog/ pit mix that i used to have was never mean to anyone, but if she was scared of something, she would just stay in one place and not go anywhere.
  14. He was probably beat, either by a person or another dog.
  15. giving a dog a job to do usually remedies the situation as well. bosco not doing any drills or training or anything= worst dog i have ever met bosco doing training and drills= the most well behaved dog you could ever imagine. it's like when people buy border collies, stick them in an apartment and then wonder why they destroy the place. it's because they are smart freaking dogs who are left to have their minds wander rather than have a proper job for them that they can use up their brain power.
  16. i can also have my gf post a "for adoption" flyer at her clinic if you make one up
  17. Damn, glad you went though.
  18. Yes, cross country 45' gooseneck with 5 horses in it just to name an instance. Also had to learn to pull the trailer before I could get my license. I said air bags weren't worth it because it's just not worth it on a 1/2 ton because you should just upgrade to a 3/4 ton at that point. No point in spending the money for little results. Good trailer brakes and a good controller make a world of difference, esp if he travels light, which he said he will be. I'm still laughing at your comment, having to pull a trailer is almost like a way of life in my family. Hell, my SISTER has probably pulled more gooseneck trailers than anyone on this site, LOL
  19. really good trailer brakes calibrated properly should help out enough for that weight. Air bags wouldn't be worth it, just upgrade to a 3/4 ton at that point.
  20. ???? Are you talking about it working fine with the bed length? the way that 5th is set up with the ball in front of the trailer it will be more than fine, my parents have been towing a 30' gooseneck horse trailer with a 6'5 bed on a 2500 fine for 6 years now. As for the ass sag, 1/2 tons are not built to pull goosenecks and 5th wheels, they are built for utility, but hauling a 5th wheel camper that light just filled with gear shouldn't be TOO much of a problem. oh, and to the TS, make sure the 5th wheel has trailer brakes and make sure you get a nice trailer brake controller. Set it so the trailer grabs just slightly before the truck brakes do. Let your trailer start to pull your truck back rather than your truck trying to slow the trailer.
  21. You need at least D rated sidewalls or your rear end is going to feel hella squishy while pulling that.
  22. yeah it will work fine. Your ass is going to sag on the truck though, just a heads up.
  23. if it's a 6 3/4 bed it should be fine, if you have a crew cab with the 5 1/2 bed it definitely won't work.
  24. As easy as it sounds? 1. remove door panel 2. remove vapor barrier 3. unbolt window and tape up 4. unhook and unbolt regulator 5. muscle out access hole 6. insert new regulator 7. bolt up and hook up power 8. slide window back down and bolt to regulator 9. reinstall vapor barrier and door panel Is it really that simple, or am i going to hate life tomorrow night while attempting this?
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