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Everything posted by LJ

  1. Yeah that was a typo after I edited it And you missed my point. I know they aren't obligated to do anything, but to someone that family is very important, that could have been the top thing on his mind, and there is nothing wrong with that, especially after the BP board took the cleanup duties away from him. Here, let's repeat that.... after the BP board took the cleanup duties away from him you absolutely twisted my words and put words in my mouth. I never ever blamed obama for anything, nor was i talking shit, all I did was apply YOUR line of thinking to Obama and the war in the middle east. See how that works? I could have applied it to anyone, but I thought that was an easy one, surprising that it went over your head. So because this is a thread about Hayward we aren't allowed using other examples to point out people's hypocrisy?
  2. Because the Board of BP took it out of his hands. I guess no one cares about that fact.
  3. LJ


    yeah we were taking some stuff from my gf's old apt to goodwill and going down Reed I was like... I think that is a fighter jet over there....
  4. I mean that's all I was saying. Never said anything was Obama's fault, but you can't be ok with the President taking these high visibility vacations, then rip Hayward's ass for taking a weekend off. It's called hypocrisy.
  5. LJ


    I swore I saw one flying over campus around 1:00 today, is that when you saw it?
  6. And I am saying he is deserve the backlash ESPECIALLY after BP has said he isn't in charge of the cleanup anymore. Interesting angle, glad you said it and not me. I am saying that the man is probably a good father and wanted to spend time with his son doing something they enjoy You're smarter than to say stupid shit like that. I never inferred or said anything of the sort. I expect better from you. Glad you like making up arguments that were never made.
  7. The lame bit? sorry, but he is allowed to do whatever he wants near his home with his child on father's day after being away from his family for months. Maybe his son's favorite thing is yachting and was looking forward to he and his dad being in the race? BP already took some of his personal responsibility for the cleanup away days before he went home. Obama has golfed more than Bush did in his whole term while running a war. While Americans are overseas dying, he is out golfing, having fancy dinners, etc. Maybe he should stay home and do things a little less public and in the face of soldier's families.
  8. would you have skipped father's day after not seeing your children, who are on a different continent for a month?
  9. They don't "rip off customers" because a large majority of their operating budget comes from donations. They use their grant monies and donations to pay the overhead and then offer services to others 'at cost'. They are not a good measure of who is a "rip off" and who isn't. Don't get me wrong, they are a great service to the community and I have met members of the staff at various functions I get dragged to, but they have some nice wealthy donors behind their operations.
  10. You also realize that he did this after BP reduced his personal role in the cleanup right?
  11. yeah, it's said that his family lives southwest of Kent, which is like 2 1/2 hours from where they spotted him sailing. Seeing as how it was father's day weekend and it was near his family home, it's not a big deal.
  12. This post is full of LOL.... hop a jet and take his family overseas?! Do you know what BP stands for? BRITISH petroleum... his family lives in the UK. He went HOME to visit his family and took his son to a yacht race to spend some time with him over FATHER's DAY weekend.
  13. LJ


    Is this for Debit transactions? Because if they meant for credit transactions, I wouldn't call someone who doesn't understand the service agreements of the major credit card companies a '"decent source" lol
  14. LJ


    Visa and Mastercard will pull their accounts if they charge a service charge or a minimum. It's in their TOS
  15. Rascal Unit is good shit. They started out of a van/bus and she saved her money to build her practice like it is today.
  16. LJ

    Insight sucks!

    Yeah that's so strange, I live off of waggoner and never have any issues. No speed issues, last night was the first tv issue in a long long time. I think the only gripe I used to have with them that was constant was for a few months they would run updates at 3am on the boxes and lock everything up for 10 minutes or so,
  17. LJ

    Insight sucks!

    lol, I still don't understand how all you guys are always constantly having issues. I've lived in 2 places with the same insight account and don't have any of these issues.
  18. LJ

    Insight sucks!

    They told my sister it was a software issue and it had been resolved. Maybe the guy at work got someone who just came on shift and didn't know what to say? lol.
  19. LJ

    firing squad

    Except when you are nervous and your adrenaline is pumping you don't notice recoil, just like hunting. Hell even shooting sporting clays you notice less recoil than when you are standing there patterning your gun.
  20. LJ

    firing squad

    There are questions of whether or not the 3 dose system works http://www.avma.org/onlnews/javma/dec07/071215a.asp
  21. LJ

    Insight sucks!

    one of like 3 service issues I have had with them in 6 years of service, so I can't complain all that much. I was getting all the local HD's and my internet still worked.
  22. The trajectory should not be greater than what it came in at. Sheds would prevent that.
  23. They need to build a shed over the range mounds and build a slanted roof over the shooting benches that prevents a trajectory high enough to get past the mounds.
  24. I would call AAA, fuck dying.
  25. to be more specific http://www.ohiosportsman.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=44
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