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Everything posted by LJ

  1. LJ

    Chase people

    I had my # stolen from my Huntington account a few weeks ago. They charged $600 in 5 minutes and Huntington got the account blocked before another $400 charge could go through. They called me and informed me of what was going on, and had the manager at the branch down the road stay there so that I could go get some cash out while they took care of things (they called me at like 5:05 PM). Had all the money back in my account 2 days later and never really had to do anything besides sign a form.
  2. There is one at the Pet Supplies Plus on East Broad St next to the Target across from the new Lowes.
  3. This home is a DiYanni? Good choice, good Italian builders. Italian built homes are the way to go.
  4. I'm glad it's your last post, so that you stop giving this shitty advice. "Hey I know, let's make my rent LATE so that I have to pay MORE to live in this shitty apartment, so that the guy will call me, then he won't do anything for ANOTHER 30 days, then I will get evicted because I never went through the proper process to begin with to save myself time and money". Seriously, it's shitty advice. AND, he can file collections for unpaid late charges as well.
  5. You are a fucking moron. Of course I would contact the tenant, but that does not satisfy the LAW. You send a letter requesting a fix, after 30 days, you ESCROW the rent. BUT, if I had problems with the tenant before, I would just give them a notice to vacate. Or if I don't want them there, notice to vacate. Also, talking to the landlord on the phone does not satisfy the LAW. It has to be in writing, delivered certified mail, or with a witness to it being hand delivered. On the phone doesn't mean shit. Seriously, you are wrong, 100%. It is illegal to withold rent on your own, and that is very bad advice. Having the guy call her does nothing, she needs to send a letter certified mail. I know WAY more about this stuff than you do, especially since your experience is "well I have rented a few places, so I know more than the guy who's whole family does or did this for a living".
  6. Your point is invalid, you cannot withold rent in that fashion. The judge would tell you to pay the fucking rent. I've seen it happen. Tenant wanted carpet changed, they ruined carpet but didn't want to pay for it. Tenant witheld rent on their own. We filed collections, then evicted, Judged ordered tenant to pay rent. Now if the tenant would have sent a notice to remedy letter claiming there was mold in the carpet, and we didn't fix it in 30 days, you would take your rent to the clerk of courts and ESCROW the rent, which is a legal filing with the court system, and the judge would tell the landlord "fix it, then you get paid". If they don't fix it by the end of your lease, there are many cases you get the money back. Although in that case you would have to prove hardship and that you were truly inconvenienced and that it was unlivable. Withholding your rent on your own is ILLEGAL and BAD, INCORRECT, UNINFORMED, AMATEUR ADVICE.
  7. I'll give you the name of our carpet guy when you are ready. It's easier to get discounts through them when you do multiple rooms, as they are a mainly a new build contractor but will do referrals, but only over a certain size.
  8. Verbal with receipt of rent paid (assuming checks or MO were used) along with mail being received at the residence in question. Any eviction hearing will go on your FABCO record, as well as any collections. Those are 2 criteria where you have 0 discrimination case when it comes to renting. An eviction hearing on your record or collections from another landlord = auto denial at a lot of places. Like I said, this is reality, you don't just stop paying your fucking rent.
  9. I can guarantee that he will file a claim against her for his money. That's why you ESCROW the rent, not just stop paying it. It's not a difference of opinion, it's someone with very little experience vs reality. Your advice is false, and I suggest you never try it yourself. BTW, you said the worst that can happen is an eviction? You realize you can turn down someone that has an eviction on their FABCO in a heartbeat, and most place will, don't you?
  10. Better watch they don't back out and take a higher offer, because well, what would they care, they don't know you.
  11. It is bad. Man, you have rented 3 apartments? No shit? Let's see, I did property management for 5 years, and I get all my information from my dad and grandpa. Their experience? A combined 70 years. While they were custom builders, most of the steady cash flow came from massive amounts of rental properties. So once again, your advice is complete shit. You can't just stop paying your rent.
  12. Huh? Landlord is the guy who you pay the rent to and owns the place. He can hire any property management company he wants to do maintenance and cut the grass and handle any issues that may come up. It's not illegal to not even have a property management company, but what becomes illegal is when you DON'T have anyone to do the work for you, you live out of state, and cannot get to the repairs in a reasonable time. You CAN be an absentee landlord, as landlord/= property management.
  13. I record all phone conversations when I am buying and selling an item. I would have taken your ass to small claims court and got the item for the orig. price agreed upon minus, of course, you paying court costs, and some small fee for breech of contract.
  14. You can. You have to have local property management, for issues such as this.
  15. LJ


    That will do 1 of 2 things. 1. Nothing will happen, because it says all over receipts and etc that you only get a store credit or exchange. 2. He will get banned from Vance's and Buckeye Outdoors for life. Not a good thing to have happen.
  16. False, non-payment of rent is grounds for evictions and lawsuits. It is not the proper way to go about things and this is very, very bad advice.
  17. She needs to send written notice and move. I've never been too sure how the no lease stuff works because, well, we always gave all of our tenants leases. Sounds like your typical slum lord.
  18. LJ


    I don't think they should redo the policy on returns. All it does is ask for trouble to offer full refunds. The ammo, yeah that asks something to be desired, but like I said, go to Buckeye Outdoors if you want to fondle all the ammo yourself.
  19. LJ


    Go to Buckeye Outdoors. Same prices, less hood, and you can get your own ammo. They have their policies for a reason, and saying "fuck them" because 1 person wants them to bend the rules just for them, is stupid.
  20. LJ


    Sounds like he knew the policies. From what the OP has said, he never said anything about a refund.
  21. He thinks his shit doesn't stink and will be a complete ass if you question him about anything.
  22. Mark LaRue is a douche and a half. Maybe 2 total douches, not sure.
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