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Everything posted by LJ

  1. Well, you seem to be closest in age, so I nominate you
  2. LJ


    Never someone that is terrified of horses, but I have seen this happen a million times. Always funny, except when it happens to you
  3. Because your response was ignorant. It's like taking care of rats. Feral hogs are a major issue in the U.S. and it isn't something really brought to the attention of the general populous. Plus I think it's hilarious you compare roasting a 200lb feeder lot hog to a 200 lb free range sage hog. He went there to have fun shooting. Feral hogs in New Mexico, just like Ohio, are being asked to be eradicated. They have no season and no harvest limit. He is a sportsman enjoying something he does while partaking in DNR control efforts.
  4. ?? You are an idiot Hmm, what diseases do feral hogs carry? So, I will say it again. Know what you are talking about before you open your trap. Even ODNR asks that hunters help eradicate feral hogs in any way shape or form they can.
  5. Feral hogs are a health risk to humans and other animals. Know what you are talking about before you try to be an ass. http://www.michigan.gov/documents/mda/Hutton_Pig_Paper_218759_7.pdf
  6. Have you spoken with an Oncologist at OSU Vet Hospital? A very close family friend is the head Onco tech there, and they are very very good.
  7. 78% of the states allow it... irrational fear
  8. I have also asked you to PROVE that ALLOWING CHL in bars will INCREASE crime. You have not done so, all you have shown is that criminals will be criminals.
  9. The statistics are against you my friend. Numbers don't have agendas. CHL holders are proven to be better citizens than the average american.
  10. Getting your CHL is not the same as buying a handgun. You have to take a class, you go through a local, state and fed background check. All kinds of stuff.
  11. You're an idiot. #1 Texas has more liquor license classifications than most states. They allow carry where <51% of sales is from alcohol. That means BW3's, you could carry. #2 You posted examples of shootings ALL in states where bar carry is illegal. You haven't pointed out shit. Post examples of CCW holders turning bars into the wild west where they are legally allowed to carry.
  12. What? Gee isn't that what was said about Concealed Carry when it was first introduced? You should check the statistics on that.
  13. Actually you are spewing baseless rhetoric. I'll ask your ass one more fucking time. If 78% of the states in the Union allow bar carry, there should be PLENTY of EVIDENCE to back up your CLAIMS. Until you provide this evidence, you are just being a douchebag.
  14. Cred05- Stop avoiding my question.
  15. shhhhhh Let him answer my question
  16. I already called you out and you ignored me. If your concern is valid, show me the proof. With 78% of the states in the union allowing bar carry, there should be plenty of evidence to back up your claim. Until you present evidence, you are spitting rhetoric.
  17. "How a politician stands on the Second Amendment tells you how he or she views you as an individual... as a trustworthy and productive citizen, or as part of an unruly crowd that needs to be lorded, controlled, supervised, and taken care of."
  18. Bad example... I assume you weren't here when the crazy opened fire at the BW3's in Gahanna a few years ago? Or how about the shooting at the Al Rosa a few years ago?
  19. To everyone making the argument for NOT being allowed to carry in a bar, you realize this makes Arizona the 39th state in the U.S. to allow this? That means that 78% of the states in the union allow bar carry. Tell me, where are these shootouts you speak of? Surely if what you say is true, with 78% of the states allowing this, the evidence should be right there for you to gather. Until then, STFU with your stupid rhetoric.
  20. Ohio has 0 tolerence on drinking and carrying. Meaning to carry you have to blow .000000
  21. I believe this makes 39 states
  22. Leave note on windshield citing city code and say that if vehicle is seen parked there again, authorities will be contacted.
  23. Altima... I bought mine for $12,500 out the door with 16k on the clock last sept. I just use it for commuting, so it has everything I need.
  24. Has never happened to my partner, has always gone to first listed at address delivered to.
  25. An executive at my large regional bank has approved it. As in, someone who tells a branch manager when they can shit.
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