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Everything posted by LJ

  1. I'll have to find the report again... it's a pain in the ass to find because NO media sources reported on it, but the DOW was up around 300 points that day. Importing had dropped or stayed the same. Germany was #1 in exports, lol.... damn engineering
  2. I never said anything was A-ok... and I have read your posts on here and KNOW that I am more knowledgable than you on these things. I don't have to check the sources it cited, I have been following this very very closely since December. The FDIC has cash flow problems and may need a loan to pay for operating expenses NO S&L's have been bailed out, meaning only insurance claims have been paid to the minimum. NO money has been borrowed from the FED for ANY S&L BTW, the sources cited in Wikipedia explain everything I just fucking said... Most of your posts are blind bullshit Thorne
  3. You have a bore sighter and never told me? what the hell man!
  4. #1, the fed doesn't bailout banks, FDIC does, which is taxpayer funded and is an insurance company, they don't "print money" to bailout banks. No banks have even been bailed out, they have all been placed in a conservatorship, which allows the FDIC to fill the insurance claims. #2 that article is wrong as every source that has reported the story about the FDIC asking for money has asked for operating capital from more than one source, not just the Treasury. They have enough money to cover anymore failures this year, they just may not have enough money to cover their salaries due to short term cash flows. But I am sure that all just went over your head
  5. High crude prices oil companies were hiring like crazy... like a normal boom, prices had been increasing steadily for a while. Weaker dollar meant it was cheaper for other countries to buy our products, therefore we moved from the #10 exporter to the #2 exporter in the world in 1 quarter.
  6. Theme? Credit crisis is worse, dollar strengthened and oil weakened, killing the only 2 things keeping our GDP positive, cheap exports and a boom in the energy industry.
  7. LJ


    I rest my case.... you go from the world is ending to this... So if it won't be as bad as past crises, then why would our unemployment sky rocket (10.8% in 1982) and our quality of life decrease? 840 banks failed between 1979 and 1990, 49 in 1980 I believe.
  8. LJ


    About how what is happening now isn't anything near what happened then... or the S&L crisis of the 80's? Go hide in your bunker if you are that scared
  9. LJ


    Yep, gov't was guaranteed ~$790 billion (~$740 of which are level 1 assets) for an $85 billion 2 year loan. Gov't wins
  10. LJ


    I take it you never heard of 1979-1982? please
  11. Actually the "foundation" would be Greenspan's easy money and asset bubbles with too low of rates for way too long.... that is if you want to get technical
  12. Thorne: http://agoldenworld.files.wordpress.com/2006/04/StewieGriffin2%20400w.gif "I'll get you one of these days John McCain!!!"
  13. That's probably because they are swamped with claims are you are getting bumped to an FNOL provider (secondary call center) and all they do is take info and send it on to your insurance company... call you agent? or is their power out as well?
  14. I dunno, I watched the best NFL game of the season
  15. shit, can i come? i offer up 4 hours of my HD tv
  16. Midland The West and South were my 2 highest bars
  17. yep last time the gas station was also on... it was strange as Subway and Casa Fiesta never went out yesterday
  18. About 3 weeks ago, the whole township was out....except for your damn apartment complex
  19. LJ


    you just wanted to show us a pic of your parents' house
  20. LJ


    If OSU had Beanie it would have been best case 28-10 1 Beanie td... no forced throw by Boeckman resulting in pick 6.
  21. LJ


    Ah, that is why you completely ignored the stats where I showed you that the Steelers D completely shut down the Browns... you are dumb enough to waste your money on Clowns tickets, you are too dumb to read stat lines.
  22. LJ


    You are one of those guys that watches football, has favorite teams, yells and screams at the tv, yet has never been to a game nor has any real understanding of football aren't you
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