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Everything posted by LJ

  1. Barack Obama is the 4th most absent senator John Mccain is the 8th most absent Pretty good only being absent for 733 votes over 15 years and running for President or VP all the time, lol.
  2. LJ


    we need an Assault Bread Ban (ABB) that is purely cosmetic but makes people feel safer.
  3. LJ

    Don't Egg Cars...

    umm, i bet you money there were more guns in school in the 60's than there are today. Kids would take their guns to school, put them in their locker and then go to a buddies to go hunting right after school. My dad told me that when he was 15 he would get on the bus on friday mornings and there would be about 10 shotgun cases in the front seat of the bus. Also, how does legal conceal carry change the amount of kids who will have guns at school illegally no matter what? Oh wait, it wouldn't
  4. LJ

    Don't Egg Cars...

    uhhh no... i was giving whoever shot the kid a non-death alternative if they were that "scared"
  5. The exact point. People keep attacking each candidate one way or the other. This one has done this, this one has done that...blah blah blah... there is no meat behind it. The cold hard numbers tell you that what you see with the party line is what you are going to get which each candidate. The experience argument between Obama and Palin is bunk as well. There is nothing that says that being in one branch of the gov't and having experience there automatically makes you qualified for another branch, it doesn't. Palin is the ONLY person in the race that has ANY executive branch experience.
  6. http://www.govtrack.us/congress/person.xpd?id=400629 Being average is not what makes me mad, it's people anointing him as some great end all be all politician when he is, in fact, no different than any other. Being an "average' rank-and-file Dem is not some great qualification for President. He is not against the grain, he is not a moderate and he votes with the party line.
  7. LJ

    Don't Egg Cars...

    You should be thinking that 16 yr olds should not be getting shot unless they are already shooting at someone else
  8. what makes me mad is when average is passed off as something bigger than what it is
  9. LJ

    Don't Egg Cars...

    Still wrong... 16 yr old should not be carrying a gun
  10. LJ

    Don't Egg Cars...

    That's when you pistol whip the punk and put the gun to his face.... you don't blow some 16 yr old's brains out for throwing eggs and acting hard.
  11. here I will answer it for you Sure seems like a go getter to me! Everyone is all up in arms and excited over an AVERAGE U.S. Senator
  12. Actually sorry, I am a very informed voter that does a ton of my own research. What would happen to be Obama's qualifying ACCOMPLISHMENTS... not positions, accomplishments I'm asking you these questions because you keep going blah blah blah with no real meat
  13. Probably 50 target loads, 5 or so hydra shocks, and if you want you can have probably around 35 Remington UMC 9mm rounds... but let me warn you, they are HOT oh and range is 25 yards, lol, i suggest bringing a large target or shooting from a rest. If no one is there we can sneak to the 10 yard outdoor (members only) it is 20 miles, but straight up 605 so it only takes at most 20 minutes to get there, but it is free rather than $20 at NASR
  14. OSU game is at noon... so if you wanna carpool, 9 if you just wanna follow... 10 (I am going to my parent's house for the OSU game, which is in SE Delaware county on the way back from the club) Can you bring the 26 with the flat bottom mags too? no uh... reason, just wanna look at it... yeah
  15. Ok for real this time... saturday morning... handgun shooting, my club
  16. It's called, they are already paying a higher percentage and a higher amount and getting 0 return. Why should they 100% fund a program for people who are less successful to mooch off of? That is NOT capitalism.
  17. No it is fucking not... paying taxes to cover a program that you will NEVER benefit from and the people benefitting from it have paidway less into... how the fuck is that proportional? Explain it, I am waiting... Am I miss understanding this?
  18. $450 is out of your price range?? Buy once Cry once Check Vances for police trade 870's
  19. That is PURE socialistic redistribution. The earners above $250k do NOT receive any of those benefits, yet they will be footing 100% of the bill... no way in hell would I ever support something like that. Every American should do their fair share to receive their fair share.
  20. If I can get my grandpa to like you I could take you Coyote hunting on his 450+ acres in Coshocton
  21. I take it you didn't see the stuff from the DNC?
  22. So much cleaner... I want to take a Wyoming or Montana hunting trip in the next 5 years
  23. 1500 sq ft house... electric water and sewer for last month = $230
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