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  1. LJ

    Gun Crew?

    Some shotguns, some pistols, AR-15
  2. http://farm1.static.flickr.com/102/279453818_49a82c18f1.jpg?v=0
  3. if you see Dog give him a high five for me
  4. .223 is a precision cartridge and is not anywhere near the power of the 7.62x39. You are looking at 62 grain vs 122 grain
  5. So why is it so hard for anti gunners to understand that crime will be crime, guns or not
  6. In the same token, what would a gun law have done to prevent this?
  7. Yeah because when I go into Vances I see tons of criminals legally buying firearms with paperwork. Or when you hear about a shooting with a full auto weapon I am sure that person applied for a tax stamp and the gun is an unmodified pre 1986 gun. I am sure that the person that pulled out a concealed handgun and shot the local 7/11 attendant took the required class and applied for the proper license to carry a handgun. So if Criminals are already doing all this stuff illegally, how are new laws going to help prevent crime?
  8. He has worked there for 3 years maybe? He is the only person on his team without a PhD. I've basically heard it just depends on what contract you work on
  9. I disagree... If someone brings it up in class they should be able to explain why ID is not being taught in science class, because it can't be proven by the scientific method, etc. Simply hampering discussion with "I can't talk about it" is very closed minded. Also, what would be wrong with having a theology class where the basics of many world religions are taught?
  10. My brother in law works there
  11. Basically, from a foreign policy standpoint, all this happens to be, is a $1 billion "fuck you" to Russia. People try finding this hidden conspiracy reason behind everything. When the reason is right in front of your face. Bush is trying to piss off Russia as much as he can without actually fighting them or starting a war.
  12. She never even tried anything in Alaska and the Gov. appoints the state school board
  13. Not really... So a child is taught their whole life about how God created the universe. They get to 7th grade science class and the teacher starts talking about the Big Bang and so on. Little Johnny is sitting there going "wtf is this B.S.?" and asks "well what about ID?" and the teacher says "I cannot discuss that in the classroom". Little Johnny leaves the class having learned nothing and thinking that the teacher is a fruit cake... or is horribly upset that everything they know was just told to be wrong. It needs to be allowed to be discussed so the differences in how scientific theories and such can be tested. I am personally one of the few people that believes in both. There does NOT have to be one side or the other. If open discussion occurs it would allow the kids to take in the scientific aspect of Evolution without freaking them out as much (or writing it off)
  14. I'm not sure anyone has tried to pass it off as science. But current law states that if a child asks about ID in a science class, all a teacher can say is that they cannot discuss it. Wouldn't you like the teacher to be able to explain that the theory is not testable through the scientific method and why that is not science?
  15. I don't know why I am debating this with you Nowhere does it say in the same class...NOWHERE
  16. If you knew what you were talking about you would know that she thinks that it should be allowed in discussion. She also never said it had to be in science class. I am all for a theology class that discusses world religions their beliefs and origins. I had one in college and it was very enlightening and I think all kids should have the chance to take a class like that.
  17. Coems with 3-30 round mags right? ;)
  18. 100% agree +rep for you Hillary and Palin are opposite ends of the spectrum.
  19. So you want him to make up jobs and pay people's mortgages?
  20. Wow, what a non-biased article
  21. LJ

    $$$ / acre

    That is still retarded high... I think you can get land in Powell for less than that. NOTHING in Sunbury is worth $400k an acre, NOTHING.
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