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Everything posted by LJ

  1. LJ


    I use like 40gigs per month just streaming HD youtube and otherwise basic surfing. Oh and reddit.
  2. "Hi Urban, this is LSU. We would like to talk to you about our opening" "New Phone, who dis?"
  3. Watch this guy's youtube channel and you can get an idea of what is going on in different parts of Detroit https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXpkSlxIY73Wr6jbCb2eKLA
  4. Narcan does not require a script in many states
  5. You know shit is out of control when you hear public health officials say that everyone should carry a naloxone shot in their personal first aid kit. http://health.baltimorecity.gov/news/press-releases/2015-12-14-dr-leana-wen-applauds-state%E2%80%99s-decision-expand-access-opioid-overdose
  6. Well, Meyer is considered to be the best motivator in college football.
  7. only issue the Kubota tractor has had is blown hydraulic lines in 16 years. Maybe they just used to be made better?
  8. The Kubota Zero at the farm has 320 hours with absolutely no issues. Mows about 10 acres constantly.
  9. Nebraska went from unranked to #20 in both polls. OSU also plays Nebraska at home on November 5
  10. His shall be #HowSheGoneEat
  11. You picked ND to win? Loser
  12. Do we seriously need more fucking commercials at this point?
  13. Ohio State is just getting to that point where pound for pound their players are just that much better than all but a few teams in college football.
  14. That rushman package was Bosa, Holmes, and Hubbard, lol
  15. That's what I call efficient; 4 catches, 4 tds
  16. That's an OSU wr thing. Their recruiting videos say "Pick THE"
  17. http://www.relatably.com/m/img/memes-mother-of-god/mother-of-god-meme-589.jpg
  18. Lattimore just made NFL scouts jizz their pants
  19. Went to the locker room. Probably getting an xray. If clean will probably play, if not, gonna be a broken collarbone from the looks of it
  20. justastingerjustastingerjustastingerjustastingerjustastingerjustastingerjustastingerjustastingerjustastingerjustastingerjustastingerpleasegodjustastingerjustastingerjustastingerjustastinger
  21. Weber just doesnt take time to get up to speed. Impressive for 215 lbs. He's only a 4.5 guy, but only takes a step to get to that speed
  22. Whoa, never seen that emotion from Barrett* on the field before *Edit: I meant Weenie Arm
  23. I was refraining from saying these refs blow but these refs fucking blow
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