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Everything posted by LJ

  1. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-anger-bregret-leave-voters-protest-vote-thought-uk-stay-in-eu-remain-win-a7102516.html
  2. No it doesn't. It allows something like this to pass because morons didn't even know what they are voting for. A 3/4 majority would prevent it.
  3. Ireland is calling for a referendum to unite
  4. There were people on the radio yesterday saying that they voted "Leave" because they were pissed at the EU either over Greece or their recommendation to adopt the Euro, but didn't actually want to leave the EU
  5. If they are accepted into the EU as an independent nation, they would probably be just as well off as they are now .
  6. There is a group of people in England mainly that hate the open immigration, the money paid to the EU, and the older generation is still pissed that the EU tried to get them to drop the Pound for the Euro about 30 years ago. They think that England will be better off without the EU's free trade along with other benefits (like becoming a civil servant in any EU country for example) but really didn't seem to have a plan other than leaving.
  7. I spent 10 days in the UK in 2006, and so many people we talked to hated the Polish. Our first day there a group of older British men sat down with us at lunch, and I mentioned I had a hard time understanding the waiter, one commented "Oh he's a fucking Pol" and they all laughed. If if you listen close on interviews, they constantly talk about the Polish.
  8. Scotland PM is calling for a vote on leaving the UK.
  9. It blows my mind that they could do this with only a simple majority
  10. Basically no one knows what will happen in the long term. The consensus among economists is that it will be bad in the short and medium term, and GB must have a very strong plan on how to move forward or this whole thing is going to be a major disaster
  11. The worst school massacre in U.S. history didn't even involve a gun
  12. LJ

    Sorry Lebroney

    Warriors come back from being down 3-1 "Wow what an amazing team!" Cavs come back from being down 3-1 "The NBA is so rigged!!!"
  13. LJ

    Sorry Lebroney

    I believe I read that Lebron just put up the best back to back performances in NBA Finals History, yet the game is rigged
  14. https://www.vice.com/read/the-berensteain-bears-conspiracy-theory-that-has-convinced-the-internet-there-are-parallel-universes
  15. You should stick to a business you know the ins and outs of for the time being and diversify later on down the road when you have the money that needs diversified.
  16. Apparently the wife knew he was planning the attack. Lovely. See something, Say something
  17. It's a known issue that states really fail at reporting mental health issues to NICS
  18. Not to mention this guy was a Jus Soli citizen
  19. Your insurance will like that story if your house burns down
  20. You cant make changes that take your house below current code, regardless of the age of the house
  21. The state of Ohio has building codes, and AFCI are part of them. Morrow county just has no code beyond state code
  22. I am torn on this. I have a 3 year old that can slip away in an instant. We also have a 2 month old, and my wife won't take both kids anywhere without me, or another responsible person with her right now. I guess the story from witnesses says that the mom turned to do something quickly with their very young baby, and the boy slipped off under(??) the fencing and down into the grassy area. Should a kid be able to get in that easily? No. The father was there too, why wasn't he paying closer attention while the mom tended to the baby? Where is the blame for him?
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