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Everything posted by LJ

  1. Actually, if it is cedar and not PT, this is a good idea
  2. Well when you build on raw land you gotta pay for the driveway, the electrical, the water, the septic or sewer. About $25-$30k on top of the price of the home itself, so there is another $12/sq ft just to get an occupancy permit on a 2500 sq ft home. Then people that do tear downs that already have those services are probably looking at a higher finish to begin with. Most people will also go outside their allowances from the jump when they are looking at the driveway finish and the landscaping. Hell, just for our recent barn, it was an extra $12k for water (Delco is $5k just to tap) and electric I know, my family was in the building business for 55 years. Yeah, but that isn't apples to apples. You call up Carlo Silvestri and his material costs and skilled labor costs are going to be lower then 99.9% of self builds.
  3. The mcdonalds in Vinita Oklahoma on 44. Seriously
  4. Well, the fact that there are plenty of builders who build in that range in central Ohio, it's not wrong.
  5. There are a lot of Schumacher homes in that range for Delaware county, and they come with higher basic finishes.
  6. A basic Wayne Home is about $75/sq ft in Central Ohio
  7. LJ


    You can pay to have them move furniture
  8. LJ


    Check Levi4Floor, you have to go in, but they will have clearance deals on instock carpet and their tearout price is only like $.18/sq ft
  9. What municipality are you in? Most have a 72 hour law, 0 hours if unregistered, 48 if broken down. Start calling the police non-emergency and they will come out and chalk the tires. If they are blocking the approach of any driveway, they will be immediately ticketed.
  10. LJ

    Grab your weapons...

    I believe "The Wild and Wonderful Whites" is on Amazon Prime, not Netflix
  11. LJ

    Grab your weapons...

    Saw that. Interesting
  12. TruGreen was trying to charge me $70 per treatment. Creative Lawn Care charges me $32 per
  13. LJ

    Grab your weapons...

    As clean as it sounds the scenes have been, especially with the 911 calls saying the houses were locked when they got there, a cartel hit doesn't sound out of the question. BUT Come on, it's Pike County. There was either going to be Weed or Meth involved somehow at some point.
  14. LJ

    Prince is dead...

    The lady that played Marie in Everybody Loves Raymond was the first
  15. Amazon has bricked hacked devices in the past http://hackaday.com/2014/12/07/amazon-fire-tv-update-bricks-hacked-devices/
  16. Trump is an idealouge. He just says he is going to do things that fire people up. He is in no way pragmatic. Sanders is the same way.
  17. Ha. Lowes installed my grandma's wood floors about 10 years ago. At 6pm, they had about 20 sq ft to go, and said they would swing by the next morning. 3 days later, she calls Lowes and they ask "Oh how are your floors, we see the job was finished *3 days ago*" she responds that its not "oh but we have your signature right here that the job was completed". The installer forged her signature. They got someone else out right away to fix it, refunded her the full install price, and refunded 25% of the product cost.
  18. These were exactly my thoughts when you sent me the pictures. I had never had any work of his turn out like that, and with having a heart attack just a few weeks later, my guess would be that he wasn't feeling great. I remember one of my responses to your pictures was "man I hope he is ok".
  19. Yeah I saw one of the other neighbors Sunday night and they mentioned it. I am going to edit my post so people don't call. Well nevermind it wont let me. Maybe a mod can
  20. I think that is the part where Hayes was just HOPING that he had a gun on him, knowing who he was.
  21. Apparently Smith was shot in the back. Did he try to cover his wife when Hayes pulled out the gun?
  22. The theory going around is kind of long but the cliff notes: Hayes father was killed by police in 2005 Hayes sued NOLA PD and settled Fast forward, Smith was good friends with the officer that killed Hayes father, and had dinner with him the night he was killed. Hayes rear ends Smith, calls the police and gets out to confront Smith Here is where the speculation begins Hayes rear ends him on purpose, calls police to look like the good guy. Gets out with the intent of killing Smith, but knowing who he is, figures that Smith carries a gun. Smith unbuckles his seat belt to get out, Hayes shoots him. Hayes waits for the cops because he believes that they will find a gun in Smith's vehicle. No gun found, charged with murder. Hayes lawyer is claiming that Hayes believed that Smith was reaching for a gun.
  23. And trump is just an ignorant whiner
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