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Everything posted by LJ

  1. LOL, some skank ass 20 yr old girl named Sarah wrote that. She is from Hilliard hence the "- Hilliard = A lot of hot people, but a lot of snobby ones too."
  2. well yeah. But it is always good to have a bit of emergency cash on hand. Also if you have sensitive paperwork that you have to use or reference enough to keep on hand (think passport) then you should use a properly bolted down safe. Like I said, installed properly, they aren't getting it unless they take a big chunk of the house with it. Trust me
  3. A safe sitting on a wall shelf hidden in the wall, or a properly bolted in safe? A properly bolted down safe won't be going anywhere without taking that part of the structure with it.
  4. If you watch "To Catch a Thief" he says that 99% of the time the intruder will stray from a safe that is bolted down and locked. Too much other easy stuff to get.
  5. LJ

    Sprint Lies...

    Glad you have loaned them money with a chance of a return, but that doesn't make your opinon better than the next Tom, Dick or Harry.
  6. LJ

    At Fault Liability

    I was told that in the state of Ohio, the vehicle that causes the accident, that vehicle's liability insurance covers the at fault accident, then that insurance goes after the driver of the vehicle. So I am driving your car, which only has liability coverage. I have my own insurance. I run a red light and slam into someone. Your car's liability coverage covers the damage to the other people's cars and medical bills. My liability coverage covers the damage that I did to your car. I dunno, that is just what the lawyer told me. The vehicle that caused the accident is primary for the 2nd party, and the driver is primary for the 1st party.
  7. LJ

    At Fault Liability

    You could claim negligence and take him to small claims court and sue him for the amount of the total of the monthly increase
  8. LJ

    At Fault Liability

    This happened in the reverse to my gf back in January. The liability follows the car. Your insurance will pay out the at fault accident then go after your step-dad's insurance to pay them back. Sucks but that is the responsibility you take letting someone drive your car
  9. LJ

    todays woot...

    Bought my HP with the same stats for the same price. The 6150SE is a shitty "card"
  10. Yep, and ate it already. Bought it right in those time frames. Luckily we didn't get sick, but 2 pork chops from Monday night tore us up pretty good.
  11. I've never been to a free chipotle day where they run out of free food
  12. I've had my t-mobile service since they launched and I took over the contract from my sister who orig. got the service as Aerial Wireless back in the day. I've never really had many problems and I only pay like $70/month for unlimited text, free mobile to mobile, free nights and weekends and 1000 anytime minutes. that $70 includes taxes and fees
  13. LJ

    Oil reserve found.

    Before this goes any futher, just so everyone has an understanding... everyone needs to google "Fiat Money"
  14. A caller on 610 last night said the rain came so hard and fast that a car was getting off of 315 (somewhere) and the water just came straight up and went halfway up the car
  15. My college graduation sounded like a rock concert. Of course they can't really do anything to people who just paid $100k+ to go to school there
  16. LJ

    Oil reserve found.

    Bakken has been talked about heavily for at least 4 months now.
  17. My neighbor is a weather spotter for north blacklick/ south gahanna and I went with hims yesterday and everything in his "zone" was just decent rain. Everytime we would look to the south (about Broad St.) we could see how dark it was and all the lightning.
  18. LJ

    Gun Crew - w00t!

    I think friday should be Open Carry day just to celebrate this
  19. LJ

    WOW Outage?

    I wouldn't say "most" for TLC, I would say every 3rd show.
  20. I wrote a paper on an exchange rate arbitrage for one of my classes in college for my prof. who could barely speak english. For some reason he couldn't understand what I was doing (he is the one who taught me about interest rate arbitrage) and he gave me a C- on it. I took my paper to the Finance Dept. head, and he said it was B+ work and didn't know what the prob with the prof. was. He only ended up being there 1 quarter.
  21. Higher taxes on oil companies would do nothing but drive the prices higher... Congress members are basically being empty suits right now tyring to appease the public
  22. Is it gangsta? Nicer than Donericks?
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