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Everything posted by LJ

  1. I believe the president has less of an effect on the economy than most people believe. When people start bringing the President into it, I usually stop. I know what I am talking about, I work in the markets and the economy 100% directly affects my pay (moreso than the average worker) and I have a degree in Economics. I refuse to discuss issues with someone who doesn't know the difference between "correlation" and "causality" because those are 2 MAJOR statistical measures in economics. Plus I just really don't like getting into politics because EVERYONE in the gov't is involved in one way and cannot just be blamed on 1 office. Plus gov't factors merely have a "push" or "shove" effect on the economy. A mere correlation. If spending goes up this fall after all these checks go out, it may or may not be tied to the stimulus... mere correlation.
  2. I don't discuss politics, I discuss economics.
  3. You do not understand the difference between correlation and causality so I will no long be continuing this discussion. That IS what is happening to the dollar, but you are using causality wrong, which is causing you to not understand what I am saying.
  4. ok asshole.. I am sucessfully self employed (well a contractor) and I work in the world markets and oil (quit my bum DFAS job). Never anywhere did I say that the value of the USD is not affecting us. The value of the USD affects EVERYTHING we use on a world market scale, oil, gold, grain, etc. What i said is that what we do HERE has no causality link to the value of the USD on a world market. It is traded like a stock. The value can change on ANYTHING/ But if you have an understanding of fiat money, you will know that $1 USD will ALWAYS be $1 USD here in the United States. The traders on the world market are changing the value fo the USD worldwide. If you don't understand that, I can't help you.
  5. I am not going all economic today, as it is my day off. but.. I believe we already hit bottom on this slip. The nation is STILL at full employment yada yada etc etc. BTW there is no causality between the value of the dollar and anything. Fiat money is just that. $1=$1 but it being traded on the world market will have some correlation of price and events. http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/columnists/article3876863.ece http://money.cnn.com/2008/05/08/news/economy/initial_claims/?postversion=2008050809 http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/07/business/07leonhardt.html?ei=5124&en=dfe8da9a6e19cf12&ex=1367899200&adxnnl=1&partner=permalink&exprod=permalink&adxnnlx=1210348815-JFjnS1YCEHyBXW7XKWqzjw http://instapundit.com/archives2/018982.php deflation and inflation are cancelling each other
  6. please tell me what you are looking at... we have not had a negative GDP since mid 2004 I believe
  7. Oh, please explain it to the man with a B.S. in ECONOMICS Positive cannot = negative The GDP is still growing
  8. We are not in a recession You can't be downward when there is growth
  9. We are nowhere near the 2000-2001 levels... Not even close to 1987
  10. BTW, the U.S. economy is NOT in a recession. It is merely a period of "Slow growth".
  11. this post makes me laugh hysterically.... Fucking with a recession for 20 years? WTF? Do you even understand economics and that a free market economy is cyclical?
  12. The ex-Vp of Xerox was hired as he was dumping gravel in the lot of the first store. The founder saw how extremely clean his truck was and hired him on the spot.
  13. Miss Ohio Roberta Camp is hotter http://missohio.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=104&Itemid=79 Met her at a professional development thing. Sat next to her at lunch. She is really sweet and has an amazing voice (and body)
  14. Same here. There is a "deal of the century" house in Westerville that I want badly, but... not paying 2 mortgages plus a bridge loan
  15. Remember that your bigger stations are going to change prices first and the smaller ones will follow in time. The prices change with the shipments. Usually they charge $.01-.03 above cost. The higher the volume of the gas station, the faster prices move. People think they do it to just do it, but it really follows their shipments. That's why they can tell you, "it's going up to $x.xx this afternoon" not because they want to, but because they have a new shipment coming in for a few cents less a gallon than that.
  16. Someone told me the G&R closed, but if not Head up to Waldo and eat at the G&R (mmm fried bologna) then hit up the Warren G Harding Memorial in Marion, then for dinner hit up the A&W Drive-in in Marion. Swing through the Rutherford B. Hayes memorial in Delaware on your way home. Or you could also eat at the Hamburger Inn
  17. Bullet your responsibilities. Make them power words. They should be stated as facts rather than sentances. Here I did the first one for you U.S. Army Reserves, 63B All wheel Vehicle mechanic 26 March 2005 - Present *Diagnose, maintain and repair combat vehicles *Complete high stress missions *Maintain motivation level *Make quick effective decisions *Provide XXXX(daily, weekly, monthly) status reports to the commander Make sure any job that you USED to have is all past tense.
  18. That is what a cover letter is for. HR systems will reject your resume
  19. LOL The only person I know with a 3 page long resume that actually needs it is a bank president...
  20. Ah yes...AKA the hound that won't run away first chance it gets I love basset hounds.
  21. People feel an entitlement to cheap fuel because it was underpriced for so very long
  22. my mom always gets her's at Meijer... she goes through them like crazy because she uses them to mow the freaking ditches out in front of the farm and destroys them.
  23. It's not a theory, it's the truth... the dollar is very weak at a low
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