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Everything posted by LJ

  1. Not oil.... They only make a 9% profit... Microsoft makes like 35%
  2. DING DING DING Mother fucking WINNER!!! The price of oil is 100% completely and utterly tied to the value of the dollar. Watch it some day.... It's not that fucking hard to understand... BTW there is no "Monopoly" BTW gov't subsidies create unlimited demand Oil speculators have very little to do with the price It is Currancy speculators who aren't even in this country. The USD is traded WORLDWIDE
  3. Wow, so you want the gov't to step in and limit free market capitalism?
  4. Premium is over $4 in some places
  5. The price of oil has very little to do with supply shortages It is mostly due to the devaluation of the USD $$ and that oil is priced in USD. So as the USD becomes worth less and less on the world market, the price of oil rises for us, and stays unchanged for the rest of the world.
  6. I rescued mine... she knows over 200 commands... I don't know them all yet. basically I can just point and she knows what to do. I can't wait to find out everything she can do. Females are larger than the males and she is about 55-60 lbs
  7. LJ

    Roll'n Threw CR

    Dammit, I wanted to find out what he "rolled and threw"
  8. Australian Cattle Dogs > * My dingo will eat your baby Also, they are smarter than 50% of the American Populous
  9. you could buy 1/130 of a Berkshire Hathaway share
  10. I will check my parents house for anything we may have. I will look when I am over there this upcoming sunday
  11. A girl I used to date grew up in Muirfield and their house was broken into twice and a car vandalized once. Although they think the vandalism was because her father had just fired someone
  12. My uncle has been cowboy shooting for years now... I can ask him where he goes. Have you come up with your name and job yet? He is Ivan the Butcher and has a big handlebar mustache
  13. The departments that qualified up at the BWCC had to do it from 50'. They do shoot at a life sized target and I don't even remember what their accuracy had to be.
  14. so you going to get some color? shading? anything?
  15. LJ

    Laptop deal?

    I have the 1400 and I love it
  16. Call the health inspector AFTER you have given the landlord probably 15 days to fix it. If they haven't even tried anything after 15 days, call the health inspector.
  17. The Judge will laugh at you if you try to escrow the rent because of people cooking with currey. You would have to show documented health reasons that you cannot be around it and that you disclosed that at the lease signing and they did not hold up their bargin.
  18. demand that they move you ti another unit
  19. LJ

    Immigration Day

    They take a day off of work to protest to allow them to work... what a bunch of morons
  20. LJ

    windows vista

    The only Vista problems I have are a few JAVA issues
  21. make sure you all read Cesar Milan's books... his techniques are amazing
  22. LJ

    NFL draft

    Steelers... They will most likely use him in a Randle-El fashion
  23. pm me too, fiancee lost her phone
  24. I have Insight TV, Internet and Phone with 2 DVR's and like 30 HD channels for $115
  25. Yes you could be fired... Ohio is a right to work state
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