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Everything posted by LJ

  1. An infection like that doesn't just cause pain in your leg, it's going to affect his whole body. I doubt the cut that got infected was even painful. The way he talked about it, and the way that they "made up" so fast, it really has the air about it that they shut him down, and he was pissed and felt he could play.
  2. neat. He didn't get a chance because somewhere, someone shut him down. A back isnt top 10 in carries in the country if the coaches dont trust them and want to ride them. An infection bad enough to have to go to the hospital is doing to wear your body out to a degree, period. An infection bad enough that you have to go to the hospital 3 days in a row? It's absolutely impossible that his body was 100%. The much bigger issue is, why didn't they have a plan if Zeke wasn't good to go? The issue is, they most likely thought he was going to be good to go, something happened where someone pulled the plug, and they were lost on what to do.
  3. Then say that. Because ALL YEAR people complained that they didn't run Elliott enough, in more than just the MSU game. Again, physically impossible for your body to be 100%.
  4. http://www.theplayerstribune.com/dear-buckeye-nation-braxton-miller/
  5. I still don't believe he was healthy. 3 days in the hospital for an infection, you aren't going to be 100% 2 days later. It just isn't physically possible. The leader, Henry, only has 3 more carries per game (which I believe you are always claiming that Saban is trying to kill Henry) No one else ahead of him has more than 2 more carries per game.
  6. I mean if that is the case it just frustrates me even more when people say "well then Urban needs to take over the offense!" Urban is not a freaking play caller, never has been. He has always been a scheme guy who hires play callers who understand his scheme.
  7. Elliott had 16 more attempts in 2 less games in 2015 vs 2014. Can we stop with the "didnt use Zeke" bullshit now? Oh, even better stats.... the 7th most attempts in the NCAA
  8. LJ

    Making a Murderer

    But it's not agreeing to disagree when you ignore the scientific basis behind it. Violent outbursts have been linked to mental retardation, and mental retardation has been linked to violent outbursts.
  9. LJ

    Making a Murderer

    It may be flimsy to you or me, or anyone of at least average intelligence. SA has an IQ of 70, the issue with an IQ that low is it can be hard to process the proper reaction to stressful situation. Getting very forcefully rejected in an embarrassing way and him reacting violently is not out of the question for someone who is classified as having mild mental retardation. I mean, it's a plausible theory when you look at how it lines up. He specifically asked for her, kept calling her from a blocked number, evidence in the car but none in the house or anywhere else (that makes sense).
  10. Local Native Tribe- "Get the hell out" http://www.cnn.com/2016/01/06/us/native-tribe-blasts-oregon-takeover/index.html
  11. LJ

    Making a Murderer

    It would match when he pointed the gun at his cousin, but this time it went wrong. With an IQ of 70, it's also possible that he propositioned her, with his lady being down and out, and she reacted in a not so nice way.
  12. LJ

    Making a Murderer

    Interesting theory
  13. LJ

    Making a Murderer

    Ive forced myself through it. The story is interesting but the series is way too drawn out
  14. LJ

    Making a Murderer

    Agreed. If this was a Civil trial I would say yes, he did it, as the standard there is "probably". For criminal though, I just would not be able to say, without a reasonable doubt, he did it.
  15. Dontre was hurt most of the year which is why he didnt play much in 15. He was the all out starter in 2014 until he broke his foot. Hubbard is 6'4 260 and is a freak athlete. Dont be surprised to see him over 270 lbs next season. Im hedging that he will be better than average. Id even put $25 on him being a top 64 draft pick whenever he goes
  16. A healthy Dontre is at the very least solid. In 9 games in 2014 he had 21 catches for 300 yards and 3 tds, 18 rushes for 100 yards, and very solid PR and KR averages The coaches think otherwise. So much so that they created a special package throughout the season just to get him on the field. Even more so that they took Bosa off the edge just to get Hubbard on the field in that package. Isn't that what we say about every upcoming TE, ever year?
  17. Dontre? Samuel? Hubbard? Baugh? Really?
  18. Dude, he is asking if anyone knows of a vet that will come out and euth the dog, not how to shoot it.....
  19. If it was the exact same scenario and the color of their skin was different? Yes. I understand what the government is doing. They are basically starving them out and not letting it escalate, at all. You bet your ass there are a ton of agents just waiting for any of them to run to get supplies or something.
  20. http://www.bigdork.org/images/03/images/megarolleyes-original.gif
  21. Have you talked to your primary care veterinarian? My wife's clinic will do this for certain established clients (such as your situation).
  22. I think they are idiots and the .gov is saying "7 years worth of supplies huh? Prove it"
  23. Returning experience for OSU isnt as bad as it seems Returning offensive 11 man starters 1. Pat Elflein 2. Billy Price 3. JT Barrett Returning offensive players with at least 1 start 4. Dontre Wilson 5. Parris Campbell Returning offensive "12th man starters" 6. Marcus Baugh 7. Curtis Samuel Returning 11 man defensive starters. 1. Raekwon 2. Conley 3. Lewis Returning players with at least 1 start 4. Michael Hill 5. Sam Hubbard Returning "12th man starters" 6. Damon Webb 7. Marshon Lattimore
  24. Bell's parents really want him to stay and get a captaincy. His dad is the CEO of a YMCA district in Georgia and wants Vonn to be more well rounded in life.
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