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Everything posted by LJ

  1. that's it, fuck that, I am going by my first name now
  2. dude you are only 22. Don't quit now!!!
  3. LJ

    Need help quick

    We figured it out. There was a wire that came loose running to the starter. what a PITA that was
  4. 1.8t- 28 combined on 92+ octane
  5. one more thing, with you being mr cable guy extrodinare, you should also know that yes, the buildings themselves would be wired by private companies, but the utility companies supply the lines running to the buildings. IE, Insight will offer to put these lines running to the buildings at a 15% discount if they get exclusive service to your complex. If you don't think that is enough to sway the owner, you obviously know nothing about building development. As for the orig. thread poster. Your problem with the appt. That is just your basic centralized contact center bullshit you are going to get with any company that utilizes that type of service
  6. ok, I take that back, WOW may offer more than just free cable to complex's to try to win their business due them trying to grow, years after Ameritech hung them out to dry. But Time Warner and Insight do not. Also, with Insight, you don't even get the free cable packages if less than a certain number of occupied units, have cable. It's actually a really low number too, in our one 275 unit complex that we have left, only 22% of the occupied units have to subscribe to some type of Insight service, or else we don't get our 3 free 70 channel cable packages... oooooooo
  7. hahahahaha.... yes.....tell the guy who's father owns and has owned many large apartment complexes, that the information that came straight from his father's mouth, once again the apartment complex OWNER, that he is wrong. Good one. Just because you are a tech monkey for cable company, doesn't mean you know the ins and outs of the business cpntracts
  8. You do realize that the reason most complex's have specific companies that do the whole complex is because that company (if there was more than one in the area) offered the best price to wire the complex. Therefore, when doing that, they get a contract that any and all units in the complex that get cable, will have to use their service
  9. the only kickback is free cable, nothing more.... trust me, i know first hand...
  10. hmmm, I've never had a problem with them.
  11. It's cheaper because most companies are playing a flat rate per person per age group. If he gets his own insurance on the side, then the company pays the premiums, they may save tons of money. My dad dropped me off of the company insurace. It went for $225/month to $83/month for the same coverage. Check out Anthem Blue Cross
  12. sadly that is the most expensive glass peice to get replaced besides the windshield. I won't post the price from where I work on here, but if you have a comprehensive deductable of less than $250, you should probably file an insurance claim to save yourself some money (no comprehensive glass claims do not effect your premiums in most cases) PM me if you want the cash price
  13. LJ

    Need help quick

    no clicking, just an electrical buzzing sound
  14. LJ

    Need help quick

    It's not the battery, we tried to jump it. Connections are solid
  15. My gf has a sweet 1996 Pontiac Bonneville with a 3800 Series II engine in it. It won't start. The battery isn't dead. It doesn't sound like it is trying to turn over. There is just a clicking electrical sound coming from under the dash. The guages (RPM and MPH) also bounce up and down between 10 mph and 500 rpm respectively when you are trying to start it. Any ideas? I don't know much about this engine. This is her only car, and her parent's live in Colorado, so any help quickly would be greatly appreciated.
  16. Chase won't lower my rate because they said I was late on 1 payment in 4 years, but the payment was debited from my account on the day it was due, but they didn't post it till 3 days later. Late my ass. I am trying to find a balance transfer card now and cancel my shitty Chase card
  17. chase got me with that shit. I called inquiring about them posting my payment to my account LATE every month, and charging me late fees. She asks if I want some free information on a credit monitering service. I say sure whatever. Nothing ever comes in in the mail, 2 months later, I get a charge on my bill for it. I called them and the first bitch who could barely speak engrish told me i had to get the account number and phone number for the monitering service off of my bill. Bullshit bitch. So I hang up and call back and get this really nice girl who transfers me right over to the service. The dude cancelled it right away and told me I would see the credit on my next statement. Apparently they had been having problems with the Chase CSR's not realizing they were signing people up for it rather than sending them free info
  18. I agree with that article 90%. I think Tool is amazing
  19. he be sayin it be do it that be who know she do!!!
  20. Customer Entertainment....lol or Marketing Usage
  21. actually you need to know what your land is zoned. Makes a huge difference. If it is zoned farming, you could have the radio as loud as you wanted as long as you were using it for entertainment while working on equipment for the farm or something along those lines. no lie.
  22. how much the construction zone ticket set ya back?
  23. you only get points for violations over 5 mph over (ie 6 mph over and up) and I think the fines are considerbly lower for 5 mph and lower
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