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  1. LJ

    Rich people

    but.......they're........jewish..... crazy
  2. You cannot deport Jus Soli citizens, completely impossible. It is part of the constitution. If you do not know what Jus Soli means, look it up, and look at Admendment #XIV of the American Constitution. But all that aside, kick them all out. They do nothing but cause problems. "You will never hear a white person hesitate to say that europe sucks, but ask a mexican if mexico sucks and they can't do it" so go the fuck back
  3. What a horrible fucking argument. Are you going to complain about us being able to be charged for water? That is WAY more of a need than gas is. The other problem is, Gas and Water are both private, so what do you want? Communism? Have fun with that
  4. Yeah, I definitely would like to see pics, I am interested, my only problem is getting rid of the truck, but I could make a very good deal on that, even sell it to a dealership, so I would like some more details and pics of the car before I do anything
  5. For a honda....not going to lie....Roush Honda in Westerville
  6. pics? what kind of MPG does it get? I'm looking at getting rid of the truck and if i was getting a car this is defnitely what i want
  7. I plowed into one on Walnut a few weeks ago in the truck.... I think I have a tiny dent in the bumper, I was doing about 60
  8. Don't buy a mobile home!!!! Worst investment ever like Powers said. You definitely need to rent with that kind of budget. I can get you a nice 700 sq ft apartment in north columbus for $425/month plus a month of free rent.... If you get a mobile home you will just be getting yourself into debt that has no payback.... You do realize the biggest reason people buy houses isn't because they own it, but it is an appreciating investment that you will make money off of when you sell it. Why stress yourself to put money into something where you will be lucky to get half of it back when you try to sell it, where as you could rent for a few years, save up, buy a house and have an investment that you are going to make money off of
  9. HA!!! I saw pictures of this last week.... a friend of mine at school, her boyfriend's parent's own a car hauling business and they hauled a few prototype cars to the show
  10. at least a year.....look at the date on the article
  11. sour records in westerville had a nice selection last time i was in there
  12. that's 161 and Cleveland
  13. LJ

    Felony HA!

    Students, Faculty, Staff, adults from the area, real mixed...
  14. LJ

    Felony HA!

    No, that is not what people seem worried about... People are worried about their "rights" We had to do a public debate for one of my classes where the audience voted on who they thought should be the winner. We did if talking on your cell phone should be illegal. We had all the facts, tests, stats, etc about how dangerous driving while talking on your cell phone is, even where the constitution talks about protecting people (really tired, not gonna look up the exact quote). The opposition just went out and said that banning talking on your cell while driving is taking away your rights. People are more worried about themselves and their so called rights, rather than the safety of fellow citizens. The people for talking on your cell while driving won. Not by much by they won. People don't want to give up their own "rights" to help others if it inconvienences them.
  15. LJ


    BigB, you fight everything to the end huh, even if it was something where you were definitely in the wrong and did something illegal? If so I think your name stands for Big Baby doesn't it
  16. LJ


    no one has mentioned that her legal limit is .02% for being underage...she's fucked Oh, and very stupid for not getting a lawyer, she is going to get the book thrown at her. One of my frat brothers got an underage DUI a few years back (he blew a .03% how lame) and he went to his first court date. He tried to just represent himself, the judge stopped him in the middle of speaking, told him to request an extension, and come back with a lawyer. That was just for a .03%
  17. LJ

    Felony HA!

    Home Alcohol Impaired Driving Statistics Total Fatalities / Fatality Rates 1. 250,000 people have died in alcohol related accidents in the past 10 years. 2. Presently 25,000 people are killed each year in alcohol related accidents. 3. 500 people are killed each week in alcohol related accidents. 4. 71 people are killed each day in alcohol related accidents. 5. One American life is lost every 20 minutes in alcohol related auto crashes. 6. It is estimated that one out of every two Americans will be involved in an alcohol related accident in his or her lifetime. 7. In 1994, New Hampshire had 119 total highway fatalities, 42 were alcohol related (or 35.3% of the total). New Hampshire leads the nation with one of the lowest percentages of alcohol related fatalities. Top of Page Cause of Death 1. Alcohol related crashes are the leading cause of death for young Americans, between the ages of 16 and 24 years old. 2. For all Americans between 5 and 35 years of age, motor vehicle accidents are the number one cause of death. Over 50% of these accidents are caused by alcohol impaired drivers. Recent Alcohol-Involvement 1. Over 50% of all fatal highway crashes involving two or more cars are alcohol related. 2. Over 65% of all fatal single car crashes are alcohol related. 3. Over 36% percent of all adult pedestrian accidents are alcohol related. 4. 80% of all fatal alcohol related auto crashes occur between 8 pm and 8 am. 5. 36% of all adult pedestrian accidents involve an intoxicated pedestrian. Don't Drink and Drive Injury Crashes / Collisions 1. Every year, 708,000 persons are injured in alcohol related crashes; 74, 000 of those people suffer serious injuries. 2. About 2,000 people are hurt each day in alcohol related accidents. 3. Two million alcohol impaired driving collisions occur each year. Arrest / Characteristics of Alcohol Impaired Drivers 1. Of every 200 to 2,000 alcohol impaired drivers on the road, only one is arrested. Therefore, the probability of getting caught is slim. Of those who are caught, very few receive a serious penalty. 2. The average alcohol impaired driver arrested on the highway has a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .20%, double the level for presumed intoxication in most states; that is 14 drinks of 86% proof liquor (or 14 beers) in 4 hours for a 180 lb. man. 3. Between 7 pm and 3 am on weekends, 10% of all drivers are legally impaired, in some parts of the country.Most Americans drink alcohol. Over 80% admit to driving after drinking. 4. Relatively few problem drinkers, about 7% of the driving population, account for over 66% of all alcohol related fatal accidents. 5. When drinkers are at the presumed level of intoxication, the risk of causing an accident is six times greater than for non-drinking drivers. Top of Page Youth 1. Although persons between 16 and 24 years old comprise only 20% of the total licensed population, and 20% of the total vehicle miles traveled in this country by all licensed drivers, they cause 42 percent of all fatal atcohol related crashes. Economic / Societal Cost 1. According to a recent Allstate Insurance Company study, alcohol impaired drivers are estimated to cost American taxpayers $21 - $24 billion dollars per year. so fuck you for bringing that up....
  18. LJ

    Felony HA!

    Oh don't feel sorry for me. Feel sorry for her boyfriend who loved her with all his heart and would do anything to protect her and was helpless when the drunk hit them. Feel sorry for her mother who has lost a daughter. Feel sorry for her sorority sisters who had stronger friendships than we can possibly imagine that have lost a sister... Don't feel sorry for me.
  19. LJ

    Felony HA!

    You know what.... fuck everything that was said in this thread.... Fuck any of you who think drinking and driving is ok... You wanna know why?! A friend of mine just died in a car accident caused by a drunk driver last night. She and her boyfriend were on their way back from Florida, and a guy was drunk going the wrong way on the freeway, slammed into them head on going 70-80 mph. Her boyfriend is pretty fucked up too, some broken bones and stuff. She was only 20 years old(just turned 20) and was probably the sweetest girl I have met... RIP Caitlin
  20. I think the cameras are a good idea in really bad intersections where people run the red lights a lot and cause accidents. Other than that I think it is retarded
  21. how many miles do you think are left on the car? meaning....how long with this thing run before it needs a new engine etc.... I am very interested
  22. at midnight my DVR box turned off, then turned right back on, now it is sitting here saying "DL" with a little thing moving next to it.... anyone know wtf is going on? Everything else works
  23. yeah i emailed you for pics of the Vette and never got them.... lance.steelesmith@otterbein.edu
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