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Everything posted by LJ

  1. I forget what the number is, but there is a number you can dial that will trace the call and get you the number even if it is blocked. It costs like $1.99 and is supposedly only available for businesses and business oweners, but we have used it before. I can get it for you when I go to my parent's house today for future reference
  2. hahahaha.... I've been hauling horse trailers since I was 16, so at least 5 years. I've hauled 30' 8 horse horse trailers with living quarters with a '87 Chevy 3500. I've seen people try to pull a 2 horse trailer with 2 horses in it with V8 Cherokee's and blow transmissions all over the road and fade the brakes so fast they can't stop. I am just saying that pulling a 4 horse bumper pull with a full size SUV is pretty stupid. BTW, Semi's use jake brakes to slow down when driving because if they just used the wheel brakes they would fade so fast that the driver would have to use those emergency stops that they have down there on 77 in WV
  3. That's the dumbest bullshit I have ever heard in my lifetime.
  4. please tell me you have monster brakes on the trailer
  5. I pay taxes, and Dewine is going to shoulder most of the costs....ad I don't give a shit
  6. oh jesus christ who cares.....
  7. Get a Tivo and download it from your TIVO to your hard drive on your comp with no problems. My bro in law has a 60 gig TIVO that downloads to 500 gigs of computer harddrive on his server
  8. well... If I am understanding this statement right, all of this sounds like dealership issues and has nothing directly to do with the quality of GM
  9. LJ

    Are they serious?

    ah don't worry, I've got that covered... I have expierience as a property manager. Thanks for the offer though
  10. LJ

    Are they serious?

    Look forward to many many many letters regarding how loud your camaro is if you plan on keeping it there. At mine, when I had the mustang, I got about 2 letters a month during the summer
  11. LJ

    Are they serious?

    i am also going to send the letter certified mail
  12. LJ

    Are they serious?

    So my condo assoc thinks that they can harass me because I am a young college student and I was fined for 2 legitimate issues last year. So far this year they have fined me for issues that never occurred (said I had a statue on the porch) and have tried to put a lein on my condo (they fucked up my account, said I was paid up to date, but I underpaid when the fees went up, tried to put a $19 lein on my place ) now today I get this letter.... : Are they fucking serious?? The by-laws state So I have 2 pots on the front porch, what difference does it make if they have hangers. Stand by for the posting of the reply letter I am writing
  13. I've never had any problems with my insight or roadrunner through insight. Once they did a 15 minute box update and didn't inform anyone, but that is the only problem I have ever had. My buddy had WOW at his house in Dublin for 2 months then switched back to Time Warner
  14. Bradshaw always is and always will be correct
  15. he's an idiot....as Bradshaw told him last year "you can ride it after you retire"
  16. LJ

    How prepared are you

    This area is a big target for attack, with the defense supply center, battelle, and the nuclear reactor at OSU
  17. That looks like something my grandpa would buy if he was european
  18. There is only a 30 day grace period if you are transferring plates from one veh that you OWN to a new veh. The plates have to be registered to you
  19. In all honesty, you might be better off looking for one outside of the Columbus metro area, I haven't heard anything good about any of the Pontiac dealers in the metro area
  20. the human body cannot handle that much lactose
  21. How flexible are they on hours and is it possible to do part time with full time seasonal?
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