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Everything posted by LJ

  1. LJ

    College Life

    What are you talking about homeboy? Intelligent?
  2. <table align="center" width="250"><tr><td align="center"><div style="font-size:18px;font-family:Verdana">I AM 13% METROSEXUAL!</div>http://www.fuali.com/pix/113/1.gif<div style="font-size:10px;font-family:Verdana">I need some advice. I need to STOP BUYING MY CLOTHS AT WAL-MART!!!! I will never land a decent woman unless I shave this nasty facial hair, and spend more then $5 on a haircut.</div><div style="font-size:12px;font-family:Verdana">Take the METROSEXUAL test at Fuali.com</div></td></tr></table>
  3. Man, it's so cool to live in the ghetto
  4. Man, it's so cool to live in the ghetto
  5. LJ

    College Life

    Yes we do. I go to Otterbein and I have two TA's in my chem lab. I love it at Otterbein, I have AC in my dorm and a sweet room mate and I have the phone numbers to all of my teachers, their home phones and my calculus teacher said you could call his house at any time of the day even at midnight. Haha. Otterbein is the shit!! [/QB] Labs are the only time you will have TA's. If a class does have a TA they are usually there to help run study sessions, and the prof teaches the class full time. Is your Calc prof Mr Holl? If so, he is awesome! Anyways, Club tonight, 10 PM, bring a bottle of liquor
  6. LJ

    College Life

    We don't have TA's
  7. You guys only have 150 College Republicans? Damn, that is kinda weak
  8. Kinda stuff youhave to do as a Finance Major with a minor in Econ
  9. I have to follow unemployment rates for a project. That was off the top of my head
  10. The assoc where I live won't allow WOW. So I have your basic Road Runner. No complaints, but it is $55/month
  11. I think you enjoy being wrong Ohio is 6.3% Alaska is 7.3% South Carolina 6.4% Michigan 6.7% Oregon 7.4% with others in the 6's
  12. LJ

    College Life

    I dunno? I just applied cause I got a coupon for a free app. And, on friday's, I usually have parties here, at my place.
  13. LJ

    College Life

    I dunno? I just applied cause I got a coupon for a free app. And, on friday's, I usually have parties here, at my place.
  14. LJ

    College Life

    Well, at a school, in a mostly landlocked city(we are talking uptown here), the only houses that have parties, are mainly frat houses. Get over it.
  15. LJ

    College Life

    Well, at a school, in a mostly landlocked city(we are talking uptown here), the only houses that have parties, are mainly frat houses. Get over it.
  16. LJ

    College Life

    Because I will be the first class to graduate with the AACSB degree from Otterbein. http://www.aacsb.edu/ I was accepted to Boston College, Tennesee, OSU, BGSU, OU, and Capital. Anyways, where your B.S. comes from when it comes to getting into an M.B.A. program doesnt matter when you carry a 4.0 Oh, and I stay at Otterbein on Sat nghts, cause that is when Pi Kappa Phi has their parties. Amazing parties. 100's of people, 3 story beer bong, lots of girls.
  17. LJ

    College Life

    Because I will be the first class to graduate with the AACSB degree from Otterbein. http://www.aacsb.edu/ I was accepted to Boston College, Tennesee, OSU, BGSU, OU, and Capital. Anyways, where your B.S. comes from when it comes to getting into an M.B.A. program doesnt matter when you carry a 4.0 Oh, and I stay at Otterbein on Sat nghts, cause that is when Pi Kappa Phi has their parties. Amazing parties. 100's of people, 3 story beer bong, lots of girls.
  18. LJ

    College Life

    I am just going to leave this alone because you two have no idea what you are talking about. OU is ranked so high because they have mass amounts of parties all the time. I have been to OU's halloween, and of course I have been to OSU parties. Otterbein's parties are pretty good for maybe only having 7 houses on campus that throw parties. And of course only Marc would not notice girls at a party at a school that has a 4:1 girl to guy ratio. No Otterbein does not have a lot of gay people. I never said Otterbein's business department will be the same as Fisher, but it will have the same accredidation (meaning a degree from Otterbein will be the same as a business degree from OSU) Oh, and your biggest class being 35, not 500 really does make a difference
  19. LJ

    College Life

    I am just going to leave this alone because you two have no idea what you are talking about. OU is ranked so high because they have mass amounts of parties all the time. I have been to OU's halloween, and of course I have been to OSU parties. Otterbein's parties are pretty good for maybe only having 7 houses on campus that throw parties. And of course only Marc would not notice girls at a party at a school that has a 4:1 girl to guy ratio. No Otterbein does not have a lot of gay people. I never said Otterbein's business department will be the same as Fisher, but it will have the same accredidation (meaning a degree from Otterbein will be the same as a business degree from OSU) Oh, and your biggest class being 35, not 500 really does make a difference
  20. Nobody asked you. Come on, someone move this to the kitchen!!!
  21. Nobody asked you. Come on, someone move this to the kitchen!!!
  22. LJ

    College Life

    I like being able to talk to my prof's, get help when I need it, and all that other stuff. Plus, Otterbein throws kick ass parties. 700-800 people in a house with 15 kegs, that is a party. Anyways, Otterbein's business school will have the same accredidation as OSU here very soon. Different strokes for different folks.
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