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Everything posted by LJ

  1. LJ

    OMG YES!!!

    "you got knocked tha FUCK OUT"
  2. LJ

    OMG YES!!!

    Winslow getting OWNED http://rollinlow.net/Winslowned.gif
  3. The dance scene reminded me of http://www.dickcream.com/history/0504/ and http://www.dickcream.com/history/0611/
  4. "Are you ready to groooove?" "Yeeeeees" lol, and the dance at the end, the only funny parts
  5. Point is, he already has a bad ass car, now he has a better daily driver
  6. LJ


    Ummmm, New Albany is ALWAYS a speed trap. No certain time of day, no certain days. The cops have no crime to fight, so they patrol traffic all the time. It's nice, such a low crime, low idiot rate out here.
  7. What, do you guys not notice the Yellow '69 sitting right behind the truck?
  8. OMG we can only hope!!!! graemlins/nutkick.gif
  9. Dude, I ENVY you. I fucking LOVE those trucks! I would sell the Blazer AND the Mustang to buy one of those, unfortunatly I just can't afford too right now.
  10. Take your money order receipt to the traffic court and show them. Or something along those lines
  11. I'm not 21, I can drive someone
  12. Lol, you are a lil back asswards
  13. LJ

    Who wants to...

    Now I know you wanna go in on a bottle
  14. LJ

    Who wants to...

    Never heard of that http://www.absinthebuyersguide.com/tasting.html Buy it here http://www.absinthebuyersguide.com/guide.html
  15. I'll answer for the Admin... NO! they are still worthless posts.
  16. LJ

    Who wants to...

    Hey, good job not reading that Absinthe isn't a controlled substance. Too bad there is a whole article about how to buy it in a Maxim from a few years ago.
  17. LJ

    Who wants to...

    Get a bottle of Absinthe with me? I've been told that it is VERY easy to buy it and get it shipped here from Europe, as it is prohibited to be sold in the U.S., but not a controlled substance such as weed or cocaine. Who's down?
  18. LJ

    cody park

  19. bahahahahahahaha graemlins/thumb.gif
  20. hahahahaha oh shit hahahahahaha
  21. Sat night, I'm in, as long as I can get admitted to these places, lol. I'll try to bring the woman, she likes to drink
  22. LJ

    Doggie Doo-doo

    Toss it over the fence into the neighbors yard Here at my complex we have to pick up all shit, and throw it away. Sometime don't understand that concept yet, and for some reason a lot of people seem to think that leash laws don't apply to them. I digress. Anyways, I would just put it all in a tied up trash bag and throw it away
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