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Everything posted by LJ

  1. Happy B-Day, buy me some beer
  2. Drink lots of alcohol, that is always fun.
  3. Lol, nobody reads my responses do they? lol. I already said fuck it, and haven't talked to her since tuesday night.
  4. Ummmm..... yes she can. You have been a property manager for how long now?
  5. Hahaha, I'll have to try that one. Oh, and I don't think i was someone else, I think I babbled because she didn't talk at all because she was so tired.
  6. Yeah, I don't care though, lots better girls out there.
  7. So I talked to her tonight. She says it is the age difference. I really don't think it is that, I think it is just in her mind. I still do all the stupid college guy stuff, and she is to the point where she wants a guy who is probably in a career and everything. Oh well, she was being a bitch to me. Probably never talk to her again. ALso, I wasn't really as upset as I was pissed. She said I was a different person on the phone than I was in person. WTF?! I think it is all in her mind.
  8. But seriously, not being a pervert....
  9. How old is she? LOL also when does this need done?
  10. this sounds bad.... Is she hot?
  11. graemlins/thumb.gif
  12. I doubt nothing Sam says.
  13. HOnestly think so? I'm not too sure. Oh well, I guess I will just see how it goes. Maybe I will give her a call tomorrow night.
  14. LJ

    Taking pictures

    Park it in front of the MCL in Westerville.
  15. I've already kissed her before, held her hand, and had my arm around her.
  16. Ok, so I guess I will just wait at least until tomorrow to try to call her. I know she is really busy (just started coaching Volleyball at Grandview AND teaches daycare during the day) I'll just wait a few days and ask her out again. I don't want to sound desperate when I talk to her, so I have to act like I care enough to talk to her, but other than that it doesn't matter to me. Play her game. I guess games are ok for a little while at first (first few dates) but if she does like me, she better cut that shit out after that.
  17. There are numerous Cougar sightings out by my parents house (north of Westerville) every year.
  18. graemlins/thumb.gif
  19. I dunno, I've always been told taught from everyone that is that thing you ask at the end of the first date.
  20. graemlins/wtf.gif Ever been a property manager? didn't think so. Most likey if you get a statement from the bank saying your money was stolen, your landlord will take whatever you can afford. Then when your moeny comes back, you will pay it off. Just remember, if you are late with your rent, you ARE subject to all late fees, even if you tell them your story.
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