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Everything posted by Alex1647545498

  1. Do you have the repair manual for your car? If so then it should show you how to test each sensor.
  2. That's got to be a pretty tall garage door.
  3. I guess that won't fit then. I measured mine to be 9'4"
  4. Yeah... I'm not going to be able to use the 3 phase. Could you post a pic of one sometime?
  5. I haven't had problems with my wireless mouse either. I have a Belkin and there's a step in the setup were you have to have the mouse talk to the wireless device connected to your computer. It will only work after that. But that's the initial setup so I've only had to do that once. Maybe your wireless has something like that?
  6. Nope... I think it depends on how much work the conversion is going to be. I'm still waiting on "the word" too.
  7. Mmm... heated garage. I hate you.
  8. Hey me too!!! I don't know how tall the ceiling has to be but keep me posted. Can I call dibs? tongue.gif [ 31. October 2003, 09:27 PM: Message edited by: hitek cougar ]
  9. I guess it doesn't matter now. The car won't start. I think it's the fule pump.
  10. Need someone to help determining if I got one and where it could be. If anyone has the equipment to do so please respond. Thanks smile.gif
  11. If something is wrong with the ABS system then the abs light would come on. Is your ebreak cable loose? The vibration would be the rotors. Bennyboy works at a pretty cool shop. I'd recommend going there. graemlins/thumb.gif
  12. I think the new look is good. It's nice to have a change once in a while.
  13. I was in IL. few days ago and an unmarked car came up next to me while I was doing 85+ and sounded the siren. He pointed and mouthed "slow the f*ck down!". And I did... nothing after that.
  14. you can make a chainsaw out of it like that one vid smile.gif
  15. Oh, I didn't know you already did... but yeah... I just ment that once you have it you'd figure something out sooner or later. Have to start somewhere
  16. As they say... "Action before motivation" Get the turbo first and the rest would be history tongue.gif
  17. what do you mean by you put the new one on and it didn't start. do you mean you put it on and tried right away and it wont start?
  18. damn... at least you made it back
  19. na... not that hard... I know Berto (rx7 dood) is trying to get extra work... you can ask him... either that or Aaron (akared). smile.gif [ 05 August 2002, 12:10 PM: Message edited by: hitek cougar ]
  20. yeah it's illegal but if you want to press the button (looks like the one for releasing air on your tire), no one can really stop you unless you have a police officer chilling in your garage with you. Oh... and becarful too because the gass is not your friend. Don't breath it in. (Garage door open)
  21. Either don't use em or get a seperate box for them.
  22. If you want to come over this weekend I can help you out. I have 2 12's also smile.gif Hit me up on AIM or something. AIM: hitek cougar Edit: PS I did it myself tongue.gif [ 08 July 2002, 11:22 AM: Message edited by: hitek cougar ]
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