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Posts posted by supldys

  1. Played the demo tonight, awesome graphics, and I loved that its more like the cartoon and less from the crappy movies. Gameplay is lacking though, it practically does everything for you.

    But cant pick the game up because my ps3 took a shit and won't read anything blu-ray right now

  2. I've got a cooler filled with heineken in bottles and miller lite cans (cooler included), a small stack of playboys and maxims, and a big construction-like sign that reads "Road Head"


    $20 or so for it all, but the only catch is you have to come get it tonight because I leave tomorrow morning. First to PM me gets it

    (You gotta be 21 for this one)

  3. I wouldn't call the AEF cycles "vacations," more like sanity. Nothing good comes from being deployed for 15 months.

    And quit saying BAQ, you other branches have the worst acronyms.

    With BAH they give you a set amount and you rent or buy whatever you want. Its more if you have dependents. Thats what I have to do at Vance because they have a 100lb weight limits on dogs (Yet you can have 2 100lbs dogs, explain that to me) so I'm buying a house.

  4. :thumbup: Congrats. On a side note what do you do in the airforce ? U can pm me if u dont wanna shit all in your thread.


    I got picked up for pilot training so I'll start that next august (2010). Until then I'm going to the Ukraine for language training, and doing some other odds and ends air force trainings until I start pilot school.

    Should be fun ;)

    Thinking about the military or just interested?

  5. I take riverside dr south to lane on game days, never took longer than 25 minutes from where I am (Usual commute is 15-20). But yeah columbus and OSU especially are getting really ridiculous with their construction, I'm glad to be leaving now before it gets too bad
  6. I just graduated from OSU today and finally received my commission into the Air Force.

    But this was the largest class ever, 8162 people, so if there is anyone else on here that was graduating, congratulations!

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