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Posts posted by supldys

  1. Its hard to find stuff for free, but you can do it. You have to check the free gov stuff, and its not online a lot, like social security, or military duty, or immigration records. Its all out there somewhere.

    Theres always some crazy shit you find when you look this stuff up. I traced my dads family back to like 900 A.d.

  2. Oh shit! Goto Plaid Alert!




    No way this is too bad. Time to move to the cover of Rush's Moving Pictures Alert



    Is this gonna be like SARS where like 4 people died from it so its a pandemic?

  3. BTW, you can get 'real/natural' pop year round. You're usually going to find some sort of cola. Just not the big names necessarily. I've been thinking about getting some to try with some rum. Even red bull makes one now you can find most places. AFAIK it's not an 'energy' drink, just a 'natural' cola using real sugar. I've also seen quite a few use sugar cane instead. Yes, they will be more expensive being a nitche product, but nothing like what was previously posted. Quite drinking pop (again) the other day. Been thinking about completely removing it from my diet, but then what will I mix my rum with. :D


    That red bull cola is nasty

  4. yes but emissions wasnt the point. The point was FUEL CONSUMPTION. ZEV cars have ZFC. Carter knew back in 79 and 80 the shit was going to hit the fan YEARS before Saddam even set fire to the oil fields and fucked things even worse. Thats why avg fuel milage under his term went from around 15 to about 22 and its been roughly the same ever since. This is because of the piggy back mandates by federal government for vehicle classification... the reason for the PT Loser to be classified as a truck, the development of whats now called a cross-over, to help boost the EPA's standards for class fuel economy. Its always been about fuel consumption... emissions was the idea that started it all, but if that was the case for the follow through, they'd just ask GM and Ford to build propane taxi's or have Volvo build a propane bus or something that the city itself could use to be cleaner. By having ZEV's on the road, they were reducing fuel consumption drastically, and with as many drivers on the roads as there are in CA... that would have been a massive difference in just a years time.


    When carter was in, yes it was probably about fuel consumption. When clinton was in, it was about emissions. Oil embargo vs. Al Gore.

    You can spout electric cars as the ZFC savior but not really, electric bills wouldnt be cheap, and then the power plants would be pumping out more coal and oil to take up the slack of not using gas. but for some reason nuclear plants just weren't being built...


    But still I reiterate my point, electric cars just aren't feasible yet, not much is set up for them. How do you handle apartment complexes where parking is a toss up every day, like in every city across the country? How do you handle kids that go off to college and have to park their car in a far lot during the week? What about people that lose their job and live out of their car? You need to have a system in place like a gas station where you can charge the car literally in minutes, and thats just not going to happen with today's power grid and battery technology

    The reason solar cars haven't gone anywhere is because you really cant get the needed power from a few square feet of solar paneling. They still do the solar car challenges every year and every year they make improvements, but those cars are nothing but a solar panel with wheels, not something a person could actually drive.

  5. most VCRs have a RCA input, if the computer has video out just hook it all up and hit record, don't even need a TV.


    If you've ever seen city slickers, they have a big argument on whether the VCR can record without the TV, always cracked me up

  6. Kind of like a mini train....

    We have the technology but whos benefiting from it?.... no one. Why couldn't I buy a diesel car in the U.S. from '05 to '09? Hmmm, maybe because for the last 40 years those little bastards have been capable of getting around 50mpg's. I belive GM and Ford do have little 2.something litre's in the car's over seas, but I am to lazy to look it up. If there was a car that ran of H2O it would never go into production, atleast not right away. Think about if you invented an engine that ran off of a reusable non-polluted source, or maybe something other than oil. Something that can't really be profitted off of (water, air). You would be rich, not from your invention but from your payoffs. Uncle Sam and the oil companies would pay to keep or mouth shut. The government currently taxes by the gallon of fuel that is sold to you... Do you really think they want you to be getting good mpg's, or as good as you could be? And when we get the bleeding to stop, they'll just chop off our leg. Taxation on mile driven is yet to come, but closer than you'd think.


    I agree with you to a point. But think about this, why is it profitable to only use oil and gas? because it is a scarce resource. What happens if cars run off of water or air or something? It becomes a scarce resource. You know what kind of shit show it would be if there was a drought and people had to either drink water to live or put it in the car to get grandpa to the hospital?

  7. You're thinking of a perfect world. But in the real world people will drive around all day and then possibly go out that night, easily driving 100+ miles in one day without ever getting home and waiting for hours for the car to charge up. All-electric cars just aren't feasible until you are able to charge them up in minutes and throughout the town...kinda like gas.
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