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Posts posted by supldys

  1. What pisses me off is that they say the reason for the tax hike is for cops, people can't say no to protection and to men and women who put their life on the line. The lame council knows that if they put their "energy-efficient-reforms" for the parks and rec budget up for a vote everyone would vote that worthless stuff down. How about they work on public safety first, then the stupid green projects
  2. China will back N Korea if we go preemptive, they don't want us on their turf, and they're both still communist.

    But just wait, some crazy ass gulf of tonkin shit will happen and we'll be in and Russia will tell us we're on our own.

    I just hope Obama doesn't back away from taking out a crazy communist tyrant with nukes.

  3. My wife watches it all the time too, the few times I saw it I knew they'd never make it. Its sad but they never really got along. Still whether you have 1 kid...or 8, you gotta hold it together for the kids, especially when they're that young.
  4. That's a common tradition done at Marine Chowhalls. Not just on Memorial Day, but all the time. There's always a place setting with the chair leaned against the table to signify that it is reserved for the guys that didn't make it back.


    Not just marines, they all do or should do it.

  5. That was early on in their development. As with almost every aircraft, there were accidents during the early stages of R&D. That's just a fact of life. In the two years that I've worked here, I've never seen one go down. Even rode in one in Iraq. They're much faster and more versatile than the 53s, 47s, and 46s.


    The design is and always will be flawed. It is seriously inferior to all the aircraft it was intended to replace.

  6. x2


    My shop is only 100 meters from the flight line here at the Air Station. Ospreys, CH-53s, Hueys, and Cobras fly over all day long. Harriers do touch-and-go's as well.


    You might want to put your shop underground before one of those things crash through the roof

  7. I dont think we care as much about pakistan, as we do about a taliban with nukes and a india vs pakistan. But I think India can handle it on their own, they don't seem to put up with bullshit lately (Werent they the first to kill some pirates?)
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