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Posts posted by supldys

  1. I only watched the last 3 mins before the half, that was pretty good until florida intercepted. Then I left the bar...nothing to do with the game I just was already leaving. Moral of the story, no interest in watching this game since I didnt want to hear 4 hours of florida ass-kissing and I knew theyd win and itd be a boring game. Guess I was right. Utah should be #1 I think.
  2. OSU, but only because I have to pay for it in tuition, otherwise it is damn expensive. But they do have a lot of facilities and a lot of equipment.

    Plus whenever classes start up its always crowded as shit for a few weeks until all the fatties realize its not worth the trouble and go back to the twinkies and diet coke.

  3. How can you judge a coach's performance when he inherits an increasingly shitty team from an increasingly shitty coach who got a terrible recruiting class? If Rodriguez had a guy like Pryor and 2 years to get a lot of solid recruits in I'm not sure how UM would be as a team but a guy who runs the spread offense would definitely be better than Tressel.


    I mean, look at the last QB's Tressel has sent "Pro"


    Steve Bellisari, Craig Krenzel, Troy Smith. All superstars in the NFL.


    Troy is actually pretty damn good, but the ravens decided that going 9/23 with no touchdowns, or 4/15 with 2 interceptions with a rookie quarterback was a better idea. But as long as the ravens keep winning from their defense, flacco is going to keep getting his nuts licked.


    And whoever said boeckman is horrible needs to try again. I guess in college football if you don't scramble then you're a shitty quarterback...

  4. You give back Alabama back their starting O-line formation and that game goes completely different, in fact i would better to estimate a complete opposite score. The was the factor in the game, having only 2 o-line starters, and then having them in their non starting position's.


    Thats why they play, and Utah did well, but play that on even keel and Utah loses 9 out of 10.


    Just wait until next year, did you see that lineman they're getting? Fluker I think it was. 6'7" and 350 lbs, out of high school! Haha they said he was a 12lb baby.

  5. Amen. The auto tie-ins are getting old and leaving deserving teams out and I like the matchups you have there, would make for better football imo. We all knew Penn State was good but not good enough to beat USC and they should have been playing Texas. Then again USC can't lose a Rose Bowl so they have to give them a team they can beat.


    I disagree, a lot of people thought penn state could do it. Plus I like the auto tie ins

  6. Pete Carol builds his squad like they're in the NFL - that's how they play - modern, cut-throat, NFL quality. Most of the Big 10 is still playing college ball like it's 1960. Now I'm not saying that any or all college teams should be playing like they're NFL farm teams. Personally, I find the way USC plays too aggressive (leading a tackle with your head, for example). But there must be an escalation.


    Penn State got beat because they are not prepared for this kind of football. It was clear that Pete ran all over JoePa in the first half, then pulled back some so it wasn't a drag-out murdering. I'm sure the last thing he wants to get crap for in the off season was running over JoePa, especially if something happens to him and he dies or can't coach. Let's face it, JoePa has one foot in and he's one of the last remnants of old college ball. Do you want to kill the grandpa of college football?


    It was very interesting to see Pete balance the fragility between the brutal murder of Penn State for AP style points and not pounding his personal image into the ground at the withered old hands of JoePa (unintentionally on JoePa's part, he could care less I'm sure).


    Allow me to rant more...


    Everyone gets all gay over the power of the SEC and they're right. Not because they have better or stronger or smarter players. On the contrary, in my opinion the northern squads led by the Big 10 still pick up the brightest, most talented players. It's all program culture and coaching styles. Most of the SEC play at a quality I call "new" college ball. A middle-ground between 1960 college and 2008 NFL. Then you look at other power house teams in the country like Texas, Florida, and Oklahoma - they play like this. There is respect for "old" 1960's ball but they recognize that a new breed of athlete exists now and they're exploiting the strengths. They play to score the piss out of the game. They play to hurt the opponent. They play to win big.


    The Big 10 (and a majority of other conferences and teams, this isn't just a diss on the Big 10) live in the past. Until Tressel and others quit playing as if it's still a gentleman's game, we'll continue getting killed in bowl games at the hands of ignorant fools who can't read past a third grade level and have no concept of "gentleman".


    Bright spot: watch Michigan. If RichRod can last long enough to get some talent and get his squad built they are going to run over the Big 10 and take a few national powerhouses with them.


    You are correct, but I hope it doesn't change in the big 10. I watch college football for the fun and the tradition. I hate the way the SEC and USC play, USC plays like its NFL football, but these are kids in college they shouldnt already be worn out when they get to the next level. Plus the reason for college is to learn and grow, not to be football 24 hours a day. And you dont go scouting other big schools for transfers, save that for the kids that really just want to leave their school. The SEC just play like assholes, the coaches whine and complain all game and the teams are the most penalized. It honestly seems like the coaches teach their players to perform these fouls so that it works in their favor if they get away with it.

  7. I respectfully disagree. Bowls in "other" locations (e.g., Detroit, Boise) work reasonably well even when home teams aren't involved. There's no reason to suspect that a bowl wouldn't do equally as well here.


    A pipe dream, I know. But I'd like to see how a team like Florida or USC (warm weather teams) would fare having to adjust to a cold weather climate.


    Thats exactly why I wish our home game vs USC next year was played in november. But Im not sure how much of a difference it would make, USC plays a completely different kind of football, sure it beats the big10 everytime, but they also lose to same crap pac-10 team everyyear. I'm almost wondering if they choke every year on purpose, so that they can get their home bowl game and not have to play a tough team in the NC and risk losing (Think texas)

    Because as long as they win, while ranked high, they could still be the AP national champions and herbstreit will still lick their nuts

  8. That game started out ok, I dont know what happened to cincy by the end. Only 2 teams i've wanted to win so far this year have won, its a pretty disappointg bowl season. At least some of them have been close, good games.
  9. Penn st at least put up 17 pts in the second half, which shut everyone up about USC's 2nd half shutouts. PSU actually mounted a little bit of a come back in the 2nd half, but you could tell they knew they already lost and werent really trying that hard. On the other hand USC continues to keep their starters in the whole game to rack up the score, 4th quarter and sanchez has 405 yds...put him back in! That is part of why i cant stand watching usc football, its too much like nfl...and I dont like watching nfl football
  10. opie and anthony is definitely better than stern.


    I already hated "the rock" because now we don't have a station that plays new rock in columbus, just another classic rock station. If it was good classic rock I wouldn't mind, but all they play is nirvana and guns and roses ALL DAY.

    Now they put on shitty bob and tom...99.7 is no longer on my presets

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