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Posts posted by supldys

  1. I actually have bought a few things from CC just because their sales sometimes make the lower prices...but their everyday prices are junk.

    Oh man Incredible Universe I remember that store over off of fishinger rd., what ever happened to it?

  2. To everyone:


    Does windows 7 have any issues with file and print sharing to other machines (windows, linux) ? I've had headaches with vista and file sharing to the point that I went back to XP just for that.


    I need to look into this too, I have 2 vista machines, 1 xp, and 1 linux...and the vista ones cant do shit, even with eachother. They'll ping and see the workgroup, but absolutely no access

  3. Not good first impressions, just tried to download off of microsoft's website and the download manager opens but nothing happens. Then the browser refreshes and gives me another beta key.

    But....I am on vista right now

  4. God damn, that cement factory was the best place ever. Especially when that one kid flipped his ford ranger about 4 times.

    I actually found pictures of the one DSM meet I had at my house...that was a shit load of cars haha

  5. Good thread idea.


    I just got a large Smokin' BBQ Chicken sub at Johnny B's with a large soda and a chocolate chip cookie. An I'm eating it at home on my couch while watching my big screen TV. I should be gaining weight at a pretty good rate. I definitely recommend this regimen to anyone. It takes discipline and focus, but I think I can stick it out. ;)


    Johnny B's has the best freakin sandwiches, plus the wifey works there so I get to eat it alot. But thats probably my problem. When I was marathon training I could whatever I wanted and wouldn't gain an ounce, now I have no problem gaining the bad kind of weight. I work out 3-4 days a week but am not dedicated enough anymore to gain muscle. Last year I did the whole regiment for months and couldnt change a thing, so I think I gave up mentally

  6. My wife wanted one, but we read that they had a lot of health problems, so we got a st. bernard....which had a lot of health problems. So i'm pretty sure its totally dependent on the dog.

    I wouldnt get from a pet sotre, get from a reputable breeder, then tend to be healthier and actually cost a lot less. Petland was charging $4000 for bulldogs! a breeder you can get one for around 2k

  7. DJ: Team DJ, hands down great

    Place: Franklin Park Conservatory, great place, they do A LOT and save you a lot of trouble in the long run, but can get pricey and you have to have cameron mitchell catering

    Cake: The Cake Cottage was reasonably priced for a nice cake, and it looked amazing...but got the order wrong on the inside layers, so take what you will.

    Catering: Cameron Mitchells, amazing but expensive

    Photographer: Do not go to journal weddings, great pictures, but trying to get our albums now is a PITA. Every month hes telling us to wait another month, about to get some legal counsel on that one. And its really expensive

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