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Posts posted by supldys

  1. I dont mind trying to trump federal law, but this bill would be stupid. It said it would legalize growth, transportation and selling of marijuana...but it would be tax evasion if you did.

    Plus I read somewhere 15,500 metric tons of marijuana come in from mexico...I guarantee mexican pot would be cheaper and would be tax free, so why would californians buy taxed american pot?

  2. I didn't watch it or hear much about it yet, but seems like everyone is raving about Pat White for some reason


    Pretty much because he's been rocking every test they have, and had that great performance at the senior bowl too.

  3. For me it would have been...

    10.. people I wanted to punch in the face

    9.. money hungry fake bitches

    8.. money hungry snobby bitches

    7.. money hungry stuck up bitches

    6.. money hungry ugly bitches

    5.. money hungry bitches

    4.. money hungry bitches

    3.. money hungry bitches

    2.. money hungry bitches

    1.. maybe just 1 cool chick out of the whole group


    Hey.. Im just saying :o


    +eleventy billion

  4. When I went to sugar it was 85% gays in sweaters (or really nerdy virgins, either one) 14% ugly drunk slutty skank, and 1% hot chicks who were paid to dance on some little stage thing for 5 mins and then go away.

    It was lame, got the wife goofy drunk though :) so i took her home

  5. I dont care what i weigh as long as i feel good and can go run my 10k's. Im coming back to Cincinnati for the Flying Pig Marathon on May 1st. Im going to run the half marathon. When i left you all, I did it smoking, eating mad fast food, drinking mad pop, and tipping the scale at 260lbs. Im coming back sipping on a vitamin water, eating rice cakes, and running 5 miles daily, and down to 225-230. In case anyone cares... that's a lot of miles to run for a heavyweight... let alone every day.


    Point is, if my body is healthy and athletic at 225-230lb, who gives a shit. Im not out to impress anyone with comic book like muscle tone. Im just your average man animal. Chicks dig big teddy bears any way ;)


    When I was training for and ran my first marathon I could not keep any weight on, I'd eat baconators and pecan cinnamon rolls and pop tarts all day. I didn't get over 175lbs and 31" abdominal no matter how hard I tried. The next year I only ran a half marathon, I ate a bit healthier but obviously I wasn't training as hard.

    Then the following year I ran another marathon, trained more and ate healthier...could not lose a single pound and didn't lose an inch off the abdominal., i was right around 180lbs and 34-35". Now I'm getting back into weights 4 times a week and 30-40mins of cardio the other 3 times a week and still cant lose anything. I'm pushing 185 with 36" abdominal, the biggest Ive been in a long time, just cant lose it. I'm convinced as soon as I turned 25 it became impossible to lose anything, and now im 26 and its just gotten worse haha.

    I'm hoping to get ready for the Pittsburgh marathon in may, but I really gotta notch up my training.

  6. Like I said, in a perfect world I wouldn't care if people smoked because in a perfect world everything you said is true. That pot smokers can lead rich, fulfilling lives and better the world and have no adverse health conditions.

    The problem is, I've never seen it. I've met two people in my life that can actually keep their pot smoking under control. Its a drug and therefore it can be easily abused, and people do it a lot.

    And you can't tell me that all pot smokers are law abiding citizens because they're doing an illegal drug. Oh ok all but that one law right?

    Too many people abuse the drug, and that leads to other problems. Like the assholes I've met that smoke in front of their kids, and then take their kids to parties at 1am (Driving while high I'll add) and make the kid color in the corner. Or the ones that just leave the kids home while they go do it with their buddies. You can give me all the statistics that say its rare that shit like that happens,but thats all I've ever seen.

    Like I said I can't compete with all of your pot knowledge, I only go off of the people I know that smoke pot.

    And for the record, yes I think alcohol is just as bad if the people abuse it too.

  7. Why?


    Just wondering what your reason behind it is.


    Ive got personal opinions that would never stand up to your guys' wealth of pot knowledge but maybe a few can give reason.

    -People who say pot smokers don't get violent are wrong, I've seen groups of guys high get destructive and smash tons of personal/public property.

    -Pot smokers try to drive because they think they can, however they cannot, they have slower coordination and worse judgment. Anybody who says they drive better high, is the same to me as someone saying they drive better drunk, and no one is ever going to believe that

    -Health reasons: Namely more tar then a cigarette, and testi cancer. Plus 2nd hand smoke could possibly get someone high that shouldn't or can't be.

    -It IS a gateway drug, I've seen plenty of people go on to heroine or cocaine. And yes I've known people who were shot at/robbed for weed

    - Laziness and a desire to not do shit becomes that much worse when people smoke it before school or before work, and too many people already do. It makes education a waste of money, either personal or taxpayer, and it can create a dangerous situation at work.

    - That also leads to losing a job which means your family suffers, either your own wife and kids if you have any, or your parents that are now paying for everything


    I will say this, I really don't care if people use it responsibly in their own homes, and I would vote to allow that in a perfect world. The problem is a lot of people don't do it safely/responsibly and it ends up affecting a lot of other people/friends/family.

  8. Come on a picture of someone with a bong is not proble cause. I can go to campus right now buy a bong pack it up with tobacco that I can buy right there and smoke it. It may look like I'm smokin some weed but i'm not. Does that give the police probale cause to search me?


    Yes it does give probable cause, smoking a bong with tobacco in it is like driving and drinking a beer but with pop in it, the cop will look to see what you're doing

  9. war on drugs


    Arresting someone who broke the law



    You dont think they know pot is a wuss drug? They only way they're really going to go for a big bust of it is if they are hoping to stop a huge supply of it. The real war on drugs goes on in colombia or afghanistan, stopping heroine or cocaine, and on the water by the coast guard trying to stop the trade.

    Sure thats a huge fail, but not because of the war on drugs, because these cops didn't do enough homework.

    And pot should definitely not be decriminalized

  10. Thats funny, i was talking about this exact same thing a few days ago. Like why the hell congress keeps holding these inquisitions when its not their job, if its illegal they should go to court. Especially the baseball one about steroids, reps just looking for publicity.

    Maybe state governors will grow some balls and start demanding state's rights like they should have. Ohio will never do this, strickland was whining and complaining when the senate spendulus bill had $1.2 bill less going to the state than the house bill.

  11. Well hopefully the mayor there supports his officers until the courts have done their job. Unlike Dinkins the old mayor for NYC who, the day after a cop shot some illegal immigrant, he was at the families home telling them how sorry he was and embarrassed of his own police force, handing the family all kinds of money, and it was all on the news. Its never a good idea to make all your cops not want to work for you
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