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Posts posted by supldys

  1. I haven't been to the dentist in awhile, like 5 years, I hate dentists. The last two times I've gone all it has caused me is pain for weeks, and recurring pain ever since.

    I know I need to go, especially since I shattered a wisdom tooth...but I still wont go.

    But I think that tumor you talked about may convince to finally give them a call

  2. Dog shelters were in the news for putting dogs down after acting as if they would try to find the pups a good home.


    Thats why I would rather find someone to take her if the owner dosen't claim her. But I have been putting her info everywhere and haven't gotten a thing from any potential owners.

    If I don't hear anything tomorrow I'll be looking for a good home for those who are interested.

    She's a really cool dog, but my St Bernard is already plenty of dog for my house

  3. Already posted on craigslist, and the pets911 and petfbi websites. No chip, tried two different scanners.

    it doesn't look like she's ever worn a collar, nails look a little on the long side but pretty normal.

  4. Found this dog running around carriage place near the sawmill road rec center yesterday. Just putting this up to see if it is anyones, or if you know who's it is.

    Small black and brown, female, beagle mix. No collar.



  5. I usually go to Zaleski down near athens, the full loop is like 25 miles I believe. I did it two years ago in January (Freakin cold) but was fun. But you can divide it up into smaller loops which I do more often, especially when I have the girl or the dog
  6. Being 3% behind Thompson and McCain and having over double the votes for Guiliani (who the press deemed a top tier candidate all summer) is good. This is only 1 state, nothing to get excited about for anyone.


    It is only one state. I checked some national polls and giuliani is still on top, and Paul still has about 4%. Was Paul even campaigning in Iowa?

  7. I lol'd at the guy that threw the flyers and started dancing!


    That was probably my favorite part.


    It was a terrible movie and horribly stupid, but yet I laughed constantly and still say all the one-liners. so i guess it was actually pretty good :p

  8. Yes, Crank is amazing. I dragged my girlfriend out at midnight to see it opening day,and there were maybe 5 other people in the theater. But it was worth it.

    Ever since transporter I've liked every movie Jason Statham is in.

  9. Rumor has it Henton is going to be the backup QB, and they're going to use him just like LSU will use perilloux or however the heck you spell it. And schoenhoft is playing tight end on the scout team and may even make the switch completely. He's 6'5+ 240+, quick, and supposedly has good hands, why not?

    Also fewer QBs going for the job is a little more enticing for that boy pryor who supposedly is so good

  10. if wisconsin wouldnt have thrown a pick in the end zone, and then have a trick play on fourth an one, they could have beat the southern ego conference as well. So much for being thick ankled an slow...


    Oh yeah that last throw ticked me off, his tight end went open to the right for the first down and could have been out of bounds. There was still 40 seconds on the clock, he didn't have to risk it all on that throw. That was a good game though, and tennesee knows what the big 10 is all about now.

    Michigan looked good, even though I hate them any time we play them, I cheer for them any other time, makes our wins look that much better.


    How bout that illinois play calling the first half, garbage. They could have had a chance but USC jsut pulled away

  11. My dads been all over to china, I've been to taiwan but not the mainland yet.

    The bootleg market is incredible, not just DVDs but they can copy anything. I bought a rolex there for $20 that was one of the nicest watches.

    Haha go check out the KTV's, theres a lot in china...Think karaoke and strip club, Asian style.

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