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Posts posted by supldys

  1. Happens every year, its ohio. We get a cold spell beginning of winter, then a week of warm, then a freakin windy cold in january. Finally end of january, early feb we see snow again. And then march gets annoying because winter comes back every night, 20 degrees, but yet is around 60 during the day.

    God I wish global warming would hurry it up haha

  2. Most cable companies black out the game even if you have NFL Network because the NFL wants extra money for the Game and they will not pay it. Insight has broadcast the games the past few weeks though.


    Is that why on sunday at 1, when theres like 5 games not aired, they show that stupid ass red zone which is just radio with a scoreboard?

  3. You must be captain of the retards Jono. USA Today does the same thing CNN does. Those polls do not represent the masses. Did you get surveyed? No. Neither did I nor anyone I know.


    Reuters, gallup, they've been doing this a lot longer than you have. You cant just throw a poll up and use it to say how much the country supports Ron Paul when its from a bad sample.

    For one, depending on the poll they may have only polled republican primary voters...are you one of those? No. If Ron Paul dosen't win the primary is he even going to run for president? probably not.

    Random sample dosen't just mean 1000 joe-schmoes from off the street, or from columbu racing.

    Try learning how polling works before you claim it dosen't....oh almost forgot, retard.

  4. I posted the link on CR, Ohio Riders, MySpace, ZX10r.net, 600rr.net and Craigslist. People from there have passed it on.


    It is not rigged, and in fact is being logged to prove such.


    The national polls like CNN's is why I made this. Whenever the discussion comes up among friends, family, coworkers, clients, etc Ron Paul has been the overwhelming lead. However in the polls he shows as a piss ant. These polls are completely unbiased. I'm not restricting anyone from passing out the link. In fact, I encourage it. Post it up on other sites. Get more people voting. There are no ads, no spam, etc. I'm not asking for email addresses, and I'm not pushing any candidate. Fuck, I put the candidates in alphabetical order for Christ's sake. Take a look at CNN's poll. 347 people were "randomly selected" to be surveyed. 347 people represent who this country wants for president? I don't think so.


    I dont know about CNN polls, but check http://www.pollingreport.com. it lists most polls from reputable sources that usually have 3-5% MoE. And Ron Paul is no more than 8% on any of them, and usually much less than that.

    So if its not rigged, then its not a sample that represents the population

  5. haha, Its either rigged, or you're only sending the link to Ron Paul support forums.

    For one, he his at the bottom of the barrel nationally but yet hes got an overwhelming 1125 to 83 over the next guy in your poll.

    and is there really 600 people that clicked paul on one poll, but then didnt care enough to not even click "don't care" on the democrat side?

  6. LMAO, supldys

    No matter what we as humans create, it will not have a big enough impact on the environment to change it. "Global Warming" is a joke and should be taken as such, your little fun fact proves nothing and is most likely a fact some liberal pulled out of their ass....just like "global warming"


    /thread for me

    **flame on in my absence


    Actually I'm far from liberal and think global warming is a crock'o'shit. That fact was saying just what you did, that global warming is a joke and theres other stuff to worry about.


    I was more or less getting at the point that even if global warming is real it would have more benefits on humanity than consequences. more deaths are attributed to cold than warm temperatures, and it would increase agricultural output and therefore help with hunger and malnutrition blah blah blah, pretty much what that article I posted was saying.

  7. I hate riddles like these because you can't add the driver, it never said the bus was going anywhere. And when I heard a kid ask this he said "Buses don't have legs silly" so is the question supposed to be How many legs are ON the bus?
  8. y'all need to calm down. If I'm reading it right you're only fined if you know they are looking at kiddy porn. If you have a home network, that you for some reason don't have any protection, and you're not even home or doing something else and not paying attention to the network, you can't be held liable. But if you see some guy logged on and looking at some sick shit, then you report it.

    Moral of the story, 1) lock your shit up and don't look at kiddy porn 2) 409 to 2 definitely seems like a law people wanted and 3) Ron Paul is always looking for attention

  9. I'll have to watch those videos later, I've got an exam to get to. Is that 2nd one the one with Ron Paul's cameo appearance?


    1. One, that our taxes just line our governments pockets, and don't do anything beneficial for the people. Two, he's the only one I know of calling for the end to the fed, the irs, pulling out of the UN, etc at least that I see. Concerning the fed, he says it in a way that we don't know and can't know how its run, because is a secret organization run by some private bank that no one knows.

    2. yes very happy, taxes are currently paying for my school and my health insurance and will also be giving me a guaranteed job once I graduate (Air Force)

    Don't get me wrong, I don't love taxes. If that socialist clinton gets into office I'm not going to like our 50% tax hike to pay for every single child in the country. But I like the way things are right now

  10. The reason we have a judicial branch is to tell us whether something is unconstitutional or not. I don't need a Presidential candidate who agrees that the executive branch shouldn't have any more power telling me we're not following the constitution.


    Whew, China, they're just along for the ride. They are making insane amounts of money from us, and like you stated we're making a lot from them. Sure we might have a little trouble if they take all that money away, but what do you think will happen to them if they can no longer deal with America? Plus they're going to be in big trouble once they become a "developed country," if they ever do, everything will change and most likely the people will rise up against the communists and they'll probably need our help. I wouldn't worry too much about it, most countries in the world need us more than we need them, and thats exactly why they hate us. Is that arrogant or just truthful? I dont know

  11. You're all being suckered. Just my feeling and opinion. Oh, and remember I came from Texas. I'm very familiar with southern republicans. I won't get into the debate here as I find Ron Paul supporters to be rather hotheaded and blind to reason. Sorta like religious zealots. :D


    My thoughts exactly. Every OSU home game on woodruff theres the crazies with a big picture of jesus, who say we're all going to hell unless we repent and right around the corner are all the Ron paul crazies who say we're all going to hell unless we vote.

    Ron Paul may be a nice guy and sticks to his word whenever he votes, but he is just too out there for me and talks like everything in this country is a conspiracy. True, returning to our roots from the founding fathers sounds like a good idea, but theres also a thing called "progress" and therefore not everything can be that bad. About the federal reserve and why we're not on the gold standard anymore...I honestly don't think theres enough gold in the world for how much money this country makes in a year. There is so much soft currency transfer in and out of the country that I honestly don't think going back to the gold standard would work.

  12. Oh just to add about one of the questions a reporter asked. It was something to the extent of why the president continues to hype what's going on in Iran.....Like i said before Bush said nothing about Iran when he got out there, but was constantly asked useless questions about it from these same reporters. I want to know why they keep trying to hype it up.

    Just venting really

  13. So did anyone watch the press conference this morning? Those reporters that asked about Iran are the idiots. For one, Bush didn't even mention Iran in the opening statement, he was talking about all the appropriations bills that congress is delaying (which included my freakin raise, so hurry it up democrats) and some reporters asked decent questions about the housing market and such that in a way had to do with it. But these other idiots in the front row constantly asked the same damn questions about Iran and how the NIE states that Iran does not have a nuke program. So of course Bush would give them the same answer every time.

    If the reporters even read the NIE it states that Iran bought weapons grade fissile material, but not enough and that is part of the reason they halted, not having enough material. Wow, seems to be one of the thing they're working on now isn't it. It also states that it is not known if the program would halt indefinitely and they could decide to start it again once they get the technical and industrial means. "Oh, you mean like longer range ballistic missiles and weapons-grade uranium? That they're working on right now?" Idiots


    Pointless conference though, I want to know when congress is going to give me my money

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