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Everything posted by supldys

  1. you should buy my suzuki and start on that
  2. nah its not that scary. Ive swam with dolphins in the gulf and they never once resembled sharks, that picture just had perfect timing. but ya, old as the internet
  3. are you talking about the truck?
  4. my girlfriends response: ".......we're not doing that"
  5. I wanna say I got mine at sears hardware...but I have no idea, its been years
  6. not to go offtopic, but I saw a pair of gigantic boxers one time. These things were huge, I was kneeling down and it stood up on my shoulders and almost knocked me over, so had to be well over 100lbs. How do they get that big cause thats what I want haha. Most boxers I see arent even close to that big
  7. haha as bad as that looks, I guarantee I couldnt do anything half that good. but at least the dear rate is down
  8. the mustang at the bottom is my favorite! hmmm ya!
  9. I bought a goodyear hose a few years ago...no problems, this thing rocks
  10. Mr T would pity those fools. The End
  11. man today would have been a good day to ride *wink wink*
  12. I was born in pittsburgh, im a steelers fan. I live in columbus and go to OSU, Im a buckeyes fan. Now why my second favorite teams are the bears, and notre dame Ill never fully understand, it was just the teams my friends and I cheered for since we were little.
  13. if i get to the point where I have to sell my truck, haha then yes. But right now I couldnt afford the registration and insurance for it
  14. I dont know if anyone on here even has an old Z car but I still have some parts left over from my old 76 280z. They should fit the 240z, 260z, and 280z of that same body style. A set of front fiberglass fenders, orginally $500, Im asking $250. Buy one get one free And the the kit for a small block conversion (basically the bible to do it, all the mount adapters, and some other little pieces) $50. If there actually is an interest Ill post pictures. -jono
  15. Yeah, I said before that if it didnt sell before winter I would be asking more than the $600 I was asking. Wrong! just did my taxes and have more school coming up and so its gotta go, now. Im asking $600 I know its cold, but I have a truck and a ramp, just help me push it up and I'll deliver it for you. Slight smoke, especially after sitting, but its an old bike. ~13k miles. The bike is clean, I learned to ride on this thing, its real easy to with this bike. Its comfortable too. Tires and battery are in good shape. Pics:
  16. I've got an old bike, but its not going to be pulling any wheelies anytime soon make an offer
  17. I took her out last night, I had to haha. I was actually surprised coming home from school I was able to pop the front up a little bit, usually when its this cold out it just spins the hell out of the backtire.
  18. yup my biggest complaint was service too. I refuse to go to harley dealers now, especially AD FuckyouintheARROWS so hopefully nothing major goes wrong for the rest of the time I have it
  19. I thoroughly enjoyed the commentary during one of USC's 4th and 1 tries near the beginning of the game. "Looks like Leinart is going for it, how fitting, Bush is lining up behind him for the push." Glad to know people don't forget about their cheap play against Notre Dame. So glad Texas won!
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