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Everything posted by supldys

  1. supldys


    ummm...what the fuck is gwar
  2. unrelated, but is that a p40 in your sig?
  4. Sorry dude, chelsea was smokin', I just couldnt let her down
  5. Had a few people interested but they never came out to see it so I'm putting it up here. 1981 Suzuki GS650, ~13k miles. Just had new plugs put in at the beginning of the summer. Tires are still in good shape. Has a new seat cover too. Starts up everytime, but its been sitting all summer so I'll have to check on the battery. Only little quirks are it smokes some when you first start it up, and the choke can be a PITA on a cold morning. Also lately it seems to be lacking some power, probably has something to do with that smoking, but I dunno its my extra bike and I dont really worry about it, plus Im selling it cheap so dont complain. This is a great learners bike, and just happens to be the one I learned on years ago! Has a display to tell you what gear you're in, and its shaft driven (as in no chain to worry about lubing and adjusting). I've never dropped this bike, and dont really see anywhere that it may have been, but its a beast and I guarantee you wont hurt it if you do. Im selling this bike cheap because I need the storage space for my buell when winter comes, $600!! thats it!! I know, Im crazy!!! PM me if you're interested and we'll set something up, Im freakin busy as hell all week so bear with me. First one that shows up with cash takes her. pics:
  6. He said everyone on here streetraces so it was the same thing, I was telling him that no, not everyone smokes weed. My point was just be careful who you say things to because not everyone agrees with what you do. Streetracing may not be a big deal on here, but don't go to court talking about it. Also I said at the beginning, somebody with a sober mind can make better decisions then someone who is high, sure not always good decisions, but better ones.
  7. that thing is fugly, at least compared to the prior. Id take it over a 350z though
  8. True I used to streetrace, and occasionally I do illegal things on my motorcycle, but I feel that when I do them its at least safe for other people and Im only endangering myself. The reason I can say this with a sound mind is because IM NOT ON DRUGS! Whatever "logical" reason or "intelligent" argument the potheads think they make has absolutely no bearing on what sober america will believe because its like listening to physics from a 100lb guy that just downed a case of natty. You know he's not making any sense to himself or to anyone else because he is intoxicated. But he continues to ramble on and on about how isaac newton has a kickass crib yo. And just as a note to the tokers on here, I and many people dont care if you do it in the privacy of your own homes but we dont want to hear about it. So before you go talking about it to your friends, at the bar, or on the internet just remember it is illegal, and no not everyone gets down with mary jane. If a guy pulls up to an intersection and tells the cop he just drank 12 beers, hes going to jail. If a guy tells everyone at work he robbed 5 houses over the weeked, hes going to jail. If a guy tells everyone at a club he just raped some girl out back, hes going to jail. So if you drive around telling everyone that the illegal thing you are doing is no big deal, I hope you are going to jail. Sure, everyone is guilty of something, Im not saying Im perfect, but theres good and bad decisions to make in life, and driving while intoxicated on anything is not one I make. For fuck's sake you're not even supposed to drive on nyquil which is a legal, over-the-counter drug, and some of you guys are seriously trying to defend your ability to drive high?? Like I said before, I dont care if people do it responsibly in their own homes and dont tell me about, you can screw up your own life I dont care. But as soon as you do it out in public or on public roads, you're in my house and I won't stand for it.
  9. Wait, cops arent all dicks because he let you get away with something illegal?? Sounds like a dick to me. You got lucky, maybe you should learn something from it
  10. fucking computer nerds..."You cheated in a video game, im gonna break your stuff!!" thats like getting in a fight over talking shit on the internet, lame But yet, quite hilarious!
  11. oh my bad, my unofficial time was 4:40 when I crossed the line in relation to the starting time. But that is counting the time it took me to get to the start line, so I was just a little bit faster than that
  12. This was my first full marathon so my only real goal was to finish. I did it and I've got the medal to prove it! But I'm hurting big time right now haha, can barely walk. I consider myself a pretty strong runner, and I started out very strong, pretty much kept an 8-8:30 pace for the first 10 miles (was actually ahead of my uncle for while, he ran a total time of 3:36), and I only dropped to a 9-9:30 until 15. After that I slowed down to around 10:00 until mile 21, thats when I hit the metaphoric wall. For the next 4 miles it was rotating walking and running, slowed down to about a 12:00 mile. Then I hit mile 25 and I could run no further, my legs started twitching and I knew the cramps were coming and I start getting some tingling sensations which I can assure you is never good haha. So mile 25 and 26 I walked which absolutely killed my time, but I ran into the finish line, you have to, and it felt so good to cross that line. Especially with the huge crowd there cheering everyone on. So the first 10 miles I did in 1:24, then I hit 20 at 3:03, but I didnt cross the line until 4:40, thats how bad the walking killed my time, took me longer to make the last 6 miles then to run the previous 20 consecutively. I seriously heard "go air force!" at least 300 times...and I probably couldnt have finished without it, everytime someone cheered me on I just pushed a little harder. Its an indescribable feeling to finish it, I never thought I could. But just shows, if you push yourself you can do anything And that I'm badass, wusses
  13. Well I was listening to it on the radio, I had to park though because even on the radio I was about to jump out of my seat over that game. Such a good game but I think ND got robbed. From what I heard was there was 5 seconds, matt fumbled clock ran out, ND won haha. Then the official decides it rolled out (I couldnt see it obviously, but the announcer said he didnt see it, but I dont know how bias he was) and then the official put 7 seconds back up. So who knows, with that missed extra point, if there was just a few more seconds Im sure ND could have easily tied it up or won it because I think they still had all 3 timeouts. They are a badass team, coffman represent.
  14. i rock at halo 2, but i havent had a tv for almost 6 months so I dunno how good id be now. when the heck did socom 3 come out?
  15. wait wait wait, let me get this straight...they give you guys TWO minutes to do pushups and situps!? In the air force they only give us 1 minute, but we still have to do 55 situps and 62 pushups to max it out (lately Ive had time to spare though) oh, you know where the name marines came from? A sailor took a shit in a fan and it went marrriiiiiinnne haha a navy guy told me that one But good luck, make us all proud
  16. correction: clutch is fine now, bike just lacks power. Its a 650 but feels like a 250 haha. It was like this when I first got it out of storage from my dad and slowly got some power back, so I dunno you can tinker with it if you want, but it runs.
  17. probably some gay "inciting panic" law, or possibly trespassing since most public building prefer you use the entrance.
  18. I've got a 1981 suzuki I'll sell ya for $600, its been sitting for a year because the clutch wont disengage fully. I'm gonna take a look at it tonight, see if its just the cable that needs adjusted. It smokes a little bit too. If you're interested I'll give you some more info
  19. apparently red "x" ownz all
  20. supldys

    Go Bucks

    dems fightin' words boy! I hate the patriots and that sissy brady they rode in on
  21. been riding since I was 18 (and prior, but dont tell anybody), never wrecked a bike, but I laid one down for the first time tonight. Pulling onto high st from frambes, and must have just been a combination of a cold tire (only been riding for about 50ft) and possibly wet or gravel pavement. The back end just slid out from under me. Luckily I wasnt going fast so it wasnt too bad, I was just damn close from sliding into oncoming traffic. A few scratches, little blood, and Im sure I'll have a bruised shoulder and knee in the morning, but no biggy. Few scratches on the pipe, mirror, turn signal, and handle, but broke off the front brake handle so I had to ride home on just the rear brake. I was actually surprised it didnt scratch the tank/frame at all but I'll inspect it more in the morning when the sun is out. Only thing really hurt was my pride, my first defeat in my motorcycle career. It sucks that it happened just riding normal, not even doing anything stupid, but I'm sure if I was doing something stupid it would have been two hundred times worse.
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