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Everything posted by supldys

  1. supldys


  2. haha im the only one that got a good bike, you guys all suck and must bow to me
  3. wow they were pretty skilled with those dildo-sabers
  4. http://www.okcupid.com/tests/take?testid=17525870837436152068 It said I should be on a Aprilia RSV Mille. Which was the bike I DID want badly, but couldnt afford.
  5. hehe, Im just picturing a little guy with little Trex arms benching
  6. my bike has that bigass muffler on the very bottom of the bike. I dont think Ive come to a light that hasnt changed for me. Hell I was even at frantz and 161 today, and I was the only vehicle on one side, and I even got the green arrow before the 20+ cars on the opposite side got to go, I felt cool.
  7. oh damn, thats some old school right there
  8. we used to meet up during the week when it was nice out, anyone still doing this anymore? We had that parking garage on campus, i forget which one, or carriage place, etc.
  9. explain this to me, if the parents were really worried about their children being molested then why would they let them sleep over at this guys house? He may be wacko jacko, and possibly molested some kids prior to all this and he will get whats coming to him if he did, but come on, he wrote thriller
  10. wasnt that the first episode?
  11. supldys

    New TV

    so what exactly is a ridiculous deal? I need to get a TV for my room.
  12. They must have been really stupid, I had cops called on my parties plenty of times, no parties ever got broken up nor did people get arrested.
  13. Im working on it...only mine'll be for blowing shit up
  14. let me know when you're bringing it out! Dont see too many other Buells out there...haha probably for good reason tongue.gif The 04's have the longer belt life which is nice but I'm not a big fan of the amber windscreens
  15. I dont understand why you guys are arguing with Eric about this? When you were 16 in driver's ed, did you start bitching out the instructor when he told you not to drive stupid too? Because you never know, he may drive stupid!! I'm an idiot at times on the road too, I speed and I pop wheelies, but I still know they're illegal and dangerous. Maybe one day I'll learn to quit doing it so I can live longer, but why are you arguing with someone that wants people to be safe on the roads? As much as we all loved Mad Max, I don't honestly think thats how you want it to be. Wasnt me Eric, I wouldnt do anything that stupid, its too bad some people give the rest of us even worse reputations.
  16. alexander hamilton power to the federalist government baby
  17. today I learned to bring something to clean your helmet off with if riding fast through delaware county. Splatting bugs = no visibility
  18. everytime I see this country give millions in aid to some other poor country I wonder "why does the world hate us? Look how we're helping." But then somebody goes and does something freakin retarded like this. For one, why do we need charity organizations for who people prefer to have sex with? Yes Im talking about gays and straights, so dont think Im singling anyone out. And yes I know "theres more to it than that, bigot" but I dont care right now. Theres a lot more problems in this world than wanting to marry your life partner, this isnt ancient barbaric times where people are bound and tortured until they denounce their devotion to their same sex partner. You arent put to death, or even put to jail, simply because you have a different belief in life. BUT there are people dying in this world of disease and hunger, there are people in this world that would like to get an education, and there are people in this world that deserve help with clothing and housing. but all these things costs money, SO if these christian organizations and gay rights organizations really want to help, then stop worrying about yourselves and actually do it. [/end rant]
  19. supldys


    mad max society has got my vote. my truck + steel plates = one bad mutha Fer.
  20. just to give you an idea, on the storm is a water-cooled intercooler. Prior to a run, fill the cell for it with ice and water, after one run...no ice left whatsoever and the water is warm if not hot. Yes theres ways to run a little radiator with a fan and everything, but I just cant see it being as efficient on the street as an air 2 air.
  21. Thats horrible to hear mang! But dont let it get you down, we still need to go riding. Glad you're alive, thats why I always wear my helmet. Of course lately not only have I gone without a jacket, I've worn shorts on a couple of the days, that might be something I should stop doing tongue.gif
  22. john kerry will lead nazi stormtroopers to defeat and destroy the world...oh man I was losing it
  23. actually china isnt a dictatorship, its more of an oligarchy. But you're on the right track that if you say something against the government in china, you'll disappear.
  24. oh im cracking up over here. I picked a human, its asking me all these questions than it asks "Does it taste good?" I say sometimes, he guesses "A girlfriend" HA!
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