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Everything posted by supldys

  1. good to know, if i ever get a day off work, ill try it out
  2. I saw it on ares awhile ago, but I hadnt heard about it so I figured it was some crock o shit. But theres an article about it in maxim this month, should be funny as hell, definitely buying it when it comes out.
  3. eh, cats suck, you shouldnt feel any remorse. but it brings up another point, the publix in naples kicks ass
  4. The largest disaster relief besides the red cross in this country are religious organiztions. I think saving someones life is quite influential, are you going to try and make that unconstitutional too, because you dont have the same belief as them? Recite the pledge, if the kid truly dosent want to say under god, then dont say it, but dont force ALL children to have less respect for the pledge to their country.
  5. I think I saw one of those today, hotness
  6. Why do people get so anal about it, whether you believe in a god, the God, many gods, no gods, whatever, it dosent matter. When you are in court, no one knows whether you are telling the truth or not. By acknowledging a higher power, you understand that you can be punished if you lie. And no I dont mean a biblical plague or anything like that. Hell, a damn tricycle is higher up than a lot of people I see in this world, so if they lie, that damn tricycle can strike them down. Or you don't believe in three-wheels either? If you really wanted to, you may be able to get them to change it to "I swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but truth so help me a power greater then me in all premises that I know to my greatest knowledge, that could take me down for any time that I abuse the trust that is being given to me." But guess what, thats a pain in the ass, and "god" pretty much sums it up. And look I don't capitalize god, because I don't really believe in the God, but I do believe there is a power greater than us, because humans are weak freaking creatures (hence all this bickering over wording) so I obviously still believe in a god, whatever it may be.
  7. unless Im totally out of the loop and there is, then please enlighten me. Bought a damn SATA controller and drive today, controller said it had cables in it. Sure it had the data cable, but no power cord. Went to put it in about 20 minutes ago and cant, what a crock o shit.
  8. I dont even want to touch that with a 10-foot pole, but for fuck's sake thats the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I was fine with the children that didn't want to say it, didn't have to. But to actually say the pledge of allegiance is unconstitutional is retarded and I hope it is overturned.
  9. Hey all I used to look at work was MSN at lunch, and weather.com before I go home. Ocassionally I'll browse ebay or CR when Im trying to show somebody something, but my boss says the same thing and locked em all down. I'll give em crap for it, but I really don't care haha. Tell your dad to stuff it somewhere and look up some pr0n.
  10. just gotta keep you on your toes round her'
  11. The one thing I was always told when growing up, if you go to mardi gras in new orleans, dont leave the main street or you WILL be shot/robbed/stabbed/etc. I feel bad for any tourists who got trapped there among the crazies. Not for the crazies themselves.
  12. havent been there yet, been wanting to go for awhile for hopefully more of a challenge. I usually hike the zaleski trail, 24.5 miles, but its nothing now. Be a champ, hike the whole 40 mile shawnee trail By the way, when I say hike I mean with my full backpack, camping outside, then getting up and hiking some more with all that weight. If I dont have the weight, then hike=run, and I make through the trail as fast as possible. If you walk a trail with just a granola bar a canteen and your "hiking stick", then you're a pussy
  13. supldys

    OSU vs. Texas

    he had a couple returns, but couldnt catch the ball. They call it the cover jinx.
  14. Vote for Jono 2008!!! I'll take the politician out of damn politician. It'll be...daaaaaaammn!!!
  15. smith and young have the same style, same number, and went to the same quarter back school haha. Tressel is obsessed with his youngstown boy, and tries to rely on the kicker. We're lucky we still do have a good kicker who almost broke a nugent record by a foot or two, but still tied at 5 field goals in one game. F it all, put in beckman And I'm still saying this is notre dame's year, I've been saying it since last season. I may be wrong, but I'd put money on it
  16. supldys

    OSU vs. Texas

    I know as soon as I saw zwick starting the game was doomed. Yes zwick has gotten MUCH better since last year, but troy is so much better under pressure. Although troy does F up on the snap sometimes. We should have just put ginn in at quarter back again
  17. supldys

    OSU vs. Texas

    Im still trying to find tickets, but I refuse to pay the amount some people are asking. Otherwise I'll be at a buddy's house watching it on a big screen.
  18. did you get that nail taken care of?
  19. That was about as stupid as FLAVA FLAVES idiotic rants about george bush. Although myer's face was freakin priceless
  20. haha, thats great "Oh yeah! you the man!"
  21. I was thinking more around 2 or 3, I've got stuff to do this morning. Let me know if that'll work, or where you want to meet up
  22. I'd be down, I live in dublin which shouldnt be too far from you
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