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Everything posted by supldys

  1. get a 96 GS300,4 door, luxury, reliable, not as much as the LS, and its got a 2JZ smile.gif you could go with the newer body style, but that'll bump the price up too. Same if you go with the 400
  2. Im going riding, if you see me on sawmill or in the general area let me know if any things going on
  3. supldys

    Old people!

    Old lady, maybe 75+, came into my lane today, lucky for her I noticed and swerved and braked to avoid an accident. The reason shes lucky is I was in my truck, and she was in a little malibu, she would have been smashed no doubt. But what I want is someone to explain to me how you don't see a BRIGHT RED FUCKING TRUCK directly next to you. It boggles my mind.
  4. wasnt there a video of a screaming fat kid getting shot with paintballs?
  5. supldys


    haha street snipa's ruled
  6. On the nextel issue, you can turn the speaker off and use it like a regular phone (well, with a button to talk that is), at least on any of the recent phones. Yet I continue to let the speaker play, because I crack up when friends beep me and start talking about how it burns when they pee and everyone at kroger looks over like "wtf?" I die laughing everytime
  7. please dont tell me thats "an army of one" bumper sticker. I dont think we need a person who drives his car like that operating any weaponry.
  8. Its not that crazy, we usually get 1 or 2 "sludge" motors a month, as in the person forgot to have it changed or just didnt know they needed to. But on behalf of the germain company, apology accepted
  9. aircraft carrier and three destroyers?... move the lighthouse for em!
  10. The reason the service manager was not there today was because all germain dealership managers had a meeting today, sorry for the inconvenience. If there is one thing the Germain company is good at, its service. I know from personal experience, I see it everyday. Now I have never been to the nissan dealership but it is still a Germain and they still care about the customer. All I can say is keep a cool head and speak to the service manager, if you are a good customer they will bend over backwards for you, but if your an asshole they will be skeptical to do any favors for you. As far as the validity of the service they say your car needs, I dont know, but I've never seen them make stuff up at my work. [ 24. May 2005, 09:07 PM: Message edited by: Powered By Geo ]
  11. wow, she looked damn good, and who would have thought eating a big ass burger would be THAT sexy haha!
  12. mr. forky is my hero, i was jealous of his huge straw wang
  13. http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/nanaca.php there, i like this one better anyways, more of a game because you can boost the dead guy when you want instead of just sitting there waiting to see what happens
  14. there was an anime game like this a long time ago, where a chick rams a guy with her bicycle and his dead body goes flying...it was weird
  15. i use nothing, the only good thing about a belt drive smile.gif
  16. Ya I've got a firebolt, I love riding it but its been in the shop twice with only 1200 miles on it. Just whatever you do dont take the bike to A.D Farrows if something breaks. The blast is a lot different then my bike, I've heard lots of good and bad things about it, just to warn ya
  17. My friend was in Mobis, not sure if they're even still together, but I have a copy of their demo CD on my computer if you want hear em. They're pretty hard.
  18. I would have sex with that thing for a week straight. Its hot
  19. wait wait wait...WTF is ddr?
  20. "has turned his whole life upside down face" and then the look on stewies face, i was dying. "ohh, theres the coffee mugs" "you cant eat all those hamburgers" "oh hes gonna do it!" oh man, i was dying the whole episode
  21. I pulled into sunoco on sawmill about two weeks ago, and the ever pump was a prepay, it just happened to be the one day I was paying cash so I just kept on driving. Went to speedway down the street, still on my way so no extra driving, and I could pay my exact total after pumping instead of going in twice. Wouldnt you know it that sunoco is closed now, says its now property of Immke group
  22. the IHI turbo off a tbird is worth a lot to the isuzu guys if its in good shape. Check out http://www.kipanderson.net/forum/ I may have an old T25 or 13B laying around in the garage, I'll check for ya the next time over there.
  23. Ive heard of so many accidents from people pulling into traffic just because they cant see into another lane, "if i cant see it, it must be clear!! IM a fucktard!!" Glad you're ok, but dont let that stop you from riding tongue.gif
  24. in PA, there are a few short on-ramps that have stop signs, but because of this native drivers stop at EVERY on-ramp. So forget looking to merge, you have to watch the asshole in front of you, therefore you then have to stop too, and it screws up everybody, I hate driving in PA
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