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Everything posted by excell

  1. You could start by actually posting in the right forum...
  2. P.S. SLOW THE FUCK DOWN in the Polaris/I-71/270 area. They aren't fucking kidding, I saw five bike troopers and this was at 10AM.
  3. Was up there yesterday. No heavy construction areas to speak of.
  4. I'll be there with Christine on Sunday. Her brothers race team is racing.
  5. OMG W3LC0M3 2 U!!!!!!!!!1111!!!1!1!!!one!!!!11!!
  6. Hey guys so like I have this car and I don't really like it but my DOG likes to ride in the back and I like to take him for walks and he chases rabbits which is really COOL but anyway so yea I have this car. It's not really great I wish I had a different car like my friend criag who has this cat that is really sweet it chases its tail which is FUNNY and we hang out at his house and play playstaion all the time and then we sometimes watch porno WOW porno is cool and this one time he slipped and fell down the stairs and his penis went into my ass because I was at the bottom of the stairs and at first I was like HEY man thats not cool but then it felt kinda good so he kept doing it and I saw this 350z the other day man thats a great car. So yea I just wanted to say hi and let you guys know about my lame american four cylinder it sucks and it's lame and I hate it but some day I hope to grow up and have a cool car like you guys but oh hey my mom is calling I need to take the garbage out before I go see my dentist today hes cool but only drives a VOLVO which I guss is cool and all but not really that cool so yea.
  7. excell


    Right down the street. Awesome!
  8. excell


    Where is it on Hilliard-Rome in relation to I-70?
  9. Yes, but who took that awesome picture?
  10. Ohhhhh yea. I've been trying to get over there for a McChicken biscuit for a week!
  11. excell

    WTB: Handgun

    GREAT gun and GREAT price.
  12. I quit on December 28th, 2003 after smoking since I was 15. I got an upper respiratory infection on Christmas Eve; so for the next three days I couldn't smoke if I wanted to. When I got better I simply said "Well, three days, I'm done." and never looked back. Social situations were and still are the worst. I still crave cigarettes when I'm in a social situation, almost three years later. I will occasionally have a cigar, but I don't inhale, and it's mostly for the smell and flavor and the "motion" of smoking cigarettes. But I only have a cigar maybe two or three times a year. Just keep yourself cool in social situations and you’ll be fine. Find something else to do to keep your mind off of it.
  13. Well maybe she should put her fucking seatbelt on.
  14. I'll be there on Wednesday, so I'll be happy to update the construction situation.
  15. http://www.bangedup.com/bu_posts/drunksistercourtluv.wmv
  16. I know. I had hoped that this year would be one of my slowest, and instead it's been my busiest ever. Not having any time to finish working on my "new" car served to exacerbate since I don't have anything worth bringing out. It's nice to be thought of, though. I'll make it out once before it gets too cold.
  17. Joe, I believe in not only critiquing but offering a solution as well. I sent a few suggestions to the IPS guys privately that I feel may alleviate the pressure of the situation. I hope they can find a solution to the issues that works for them and all of the "good" enthusiasts who just want a place to hang.
  18. excell


    Don't post - read. Lazy ass.
  19. As cool as it is for you guys to offer your personal property, time, and sanctity for the good of all enthusiasts, I think you should shut the spot down. I haven’t had a chance to make it out yet () but from what I have read and heard, you guys don’t want any part of rednecks and drunks toting weapons and bad attitudes. It’s just too dangerous to piss off some group of “bangers” who decide to open up a few rounds into the crowd for retribution. I think it’s beyond sorry and pathetic that people cannot respect you and other enthusiasts. But having a cool spot to hang out is not worth anyone’s personal safety. You are not the police.
  20. excell

    Hey Linn

    My patience with this bullshit is running out.
  21. excell

    Hey Linn

    Who are these fucking guys? Cause I'm about to get rid of both of them.
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