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Posts posted by excell

  1. Originally posted by Tenzig:

    probably (and hopefully) the worst cataclysm our generation will see. Those shores are some of the most densly populated in the world. Compounded by the fact that its all poor, and there was no plans/preparations made for emergency tsunami evacuation, I am not realy suprised by the number.

    I sure hope so. That is absolutely terrible. :(


    The waves went as far as Africa! :eek:


    "All the planet is vibrating" from the quake, said Enzo Boschi, the head of Italy's National Geophysics Institute. Speaking on SKY TG24 TV, Boschi said the quake even disturbed the Earth's rotation.
  2. Originally posted by Razorback:

    Yeah I'm somewhere in the middle. These emergency crews have a helluva load to take care of, but it shouldn't take 3+ days to get people running. No matter what the damage, they should always be able to bring in enough emergency crews from outlying cities, and out of state to repair any damage within 24-36 hours MAXIMUM. And the repairs should not go in order of the # of people on each circuit, and rich areas first (ahem), but in the order of the reports of outages -- the only fair way to do it.


    Don't mean to rant. ;)

    That triple overtime must be nice...
  3. In my opinion, a statement like that is not a direct threat. However, it is VERY violent and destructive and we are treating such statements as threats. We will not tolerate such violence.


    Is it a direct threat? No.


    Is it a violent statement on the same level as a threat? Yes.


    Case in point, a year or more ago some toolbag told Anthony that he wished he would have died in his car wreck several years ago. That guy was banned immediately.


    We are not going to tolerate such negativity and violence, because statements like that can only escalate a situation further. You have to be a wretch of human being to wish death on another, and that is not the atmosphere we are going to condone here. No matter if it’s public or private, if threats or violence such as this is going on it should be reported to an admin immediately and those involved will be dealt with.


    With a community of so many in such a localized area, it is our job as Admins of this board to keep our members safe – and I will carry out this mission to the end. Some of you will never like what I, or any other person in a position of “authority” does here, but that comes with the territory of what we do.


    Love me or hate me, I will carry out the will of what is right – whether it’s popular or not.

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