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Posts posted by excell

  1. Originally posted by American Badass:



    Wouldn't your Avitar message be considered a personal threat? If everything else that people have said on here counts as such, then I would have to cast my vote that you should get a strike yourself. Just a thought.

    It's not directed at anyone. Not having a second party does not make it a threat.


    If it said "American Badass, count to six and die" I could see that being a threat...


    If it honestly offends you, I will change it.

  2. Originally posted by Orion:

    nope, itll be YOUR way, thank you. regardless of why im here, only YOU can make me leave. care to do it?

    Actually, I would love too. Please, give me a reason. smile.gif
  3. Originally posted by Orion:

    yup. good for the goose is good for the gander. or did evo not teach you that while he was schooling you on how to run your own website?

    Have it your way. If you are so cool, why do you bother to visit here? No one is making you be here...
  4. Originally posted by Orion:

    well, in that case, i hope you die in a fiery crash.



    What the fuck is the point of this? It's bad enough I have to ban one respected member for this but now you want to follow too?


    Very Christian of you. Grow up.

  5. Originally posted by Orion:

    yeah, im not slim, that was the point, fagazy.


    i guess sarcasm doesnt come across real well in here, so ill let your pot shots at my reading comprehension go.


    not sure what calling you fat has to do with me being a christian, maybe youll explain that to me after i get un banned.

    Actually, I know just want to say to get you riled up. :D
  6. Originally posted by Orion:

    yeah, im not slim, that was the point, fagazy.


    i guess sarcasm doesnt come across real well in here, so ill let your pot shots at my reading comprehension go.


    not sure what calling you fat has to do with me being a christian, maybe youll explain that to me after i get un banned.

    Actually, I know just want to say to get you riled up. :D
  7. Originally posted by Orion:

    ah, more from the jesus haters.


    no where did i even bring up my faith, and you still blast it. you can take your angst ridden, "momma didnt love me so i hate the world" attitude and shove it down someone elses christmas stocking, you fat, fake jewish homo. tongue.gif


    dont let him fool you, his dislike of christmas has nothing to do with being jewish. graemlins/slap.gif

    Just like a Christian to be a hipocrite and call me fat... you ain't exactly slim either, bones. tongue.gif


    My mom does love me, but that has nothing to do why I hate Christmas. I guess they don't teach you reading comprehension in Sunday School...


    Originally posted by Fornicate:

    Actually, being a jew has nothing to do with why I think Christmas sucks.


    Maybe you missed this? graemlins/slap.gif Back to the reading comprehension thing... graemlins/lol.gif
  8. Originally posted by Orion:

    ah, more from the jesus haters.


    no where did i even bring up my faith, and you still blast it. you can take your angst ridden, "momma didnt love me so i hate the world" attitude and shove it down someone elses christmas stocking, you fat, fake jewish homo. tongue.gif


    dont let him fool you, his dislike of christmas has nothing to do with being jewish. graemlins/slap.gif

    Just like a Christian to be a hipocrite and call me fat... you ain't exactly slim either, bones. tongue.gif


    My mom does love me, but that has nothing to do why I hate Christmas. I guess they don't teach you reading comprehension in Sunday School...


    Originally posted by Fornicate:

    Actually, being a jew has nothing to do with why I think Christmas sucks.


    Maybe you missed this? graemlins/slap.gif Back to the reading comprehension thing... graemlins/lol.gif
  9. Originally posted by Bad Ass Black Buick:

    Chris I can see hating Christmas because he is Jewish, but Wonka you are just a jackass, get a life.

    Actually, being a jew has nothing to do with why I think Christmas sucks.


    Work retail for a few Christmas seasons, you will hate it too.


    Christmas is supposed to be a nice, caring, "be kind to your fellow man" time of year. It's completely the opposite. Christmas is the biggest commercialized scam the world has ever known, a close second to Valentines day followed by Easter.


    Holidays are a crock of shit.

  10. Originally posted by Bad Ass Black Buick:

    Chris I can see hating Christmas because he is Jewish, but Wonka you are just a jackass, get a life.

    Actually, being a jew has nothing to do with why I think Christmas sucks.


    Work retail for a few Christmas seasons, you will hate it too.


    Christmas is supposed to be a nice, caring, "be kind to your fellow man" time of year. It's completely the opposite. Christmas is the biggest commercialized scam the world has ever known, a close second to Valentines day followed by Easter.


    Holidays are a crock of shit.

  11. Originally posted by SpaceGhost:

    Why does this forum exist? You bring it on yourself for even allowing this shit to be posted in this format.


    This place needs to be weeded out of all the 19 year old tough guys that have never seen violence first hand ever in their life except on fucking TV.


    Seems to me this board gets more posts about non car related things in non car related forums than in any thing else, hell some members live in this forum! Is this a message board about cars?

    Actually, I agree with you 100%.
  12. Originally posted by Buy Here Pay Here:

    While I certainly would not in any way facilitate this ;) , I'd like nothing more than to see this toolbag drown in a boiling pot of diarrhea from AIDS patients.

    You just won yourself a strike too.


    People, knock that shit off. Call him an asshole, a fucking pile of shit, whatever... but stop wishing for his death. It's too borderline, and I'm ready to start banning.

  13. It wasn't just Tuttle. Even "redneck land" AKA WalMart, Meijer, etc on Hilliard-Rome road was almost impassable. Un-fucking-believable.


    What the hell are you doing going to mass anyway? What a waste of a good TV night.

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