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Posts posted by excell

  1. It wasn't just Tuttle. Even "redneck land" AKA WalMart, Meijer, etc on Hilliard-Rome road was almost impassable. Un-fucking-believable.


    What the hell are you doing going to mass anyway? What a waste of a good TV night.

  2. Originally posted by EvilEvo:

    I'm not crying. And next time retort without making a smartass comment. You are supposed to uphold law and order around here. Start acting and typing like it. The again, why should you? You obviously got the highest post count, own the forum or something. So I gess you are allowed to be an ass. Sorry for the posts.

    I do uphold the law and order around here. So, go play in the snow and don't piss me off.
  3. Originally posted by EvilEvo:

    Technically there are a few people in this thread that should be banned for a personal threat. Rules are rules. I broke one and was banned. Now uphold the law on this board and do what's right.

    It's borderline, and they are respected members so I'll let it slide this time with strikes for both of them.


    Stop crying.

  4. Originally posted by Tenzig:

    Alum Creek Dam has a nice angled wall of ice. I'ma get me a toprope and climb that shit. I dont see any signs saying I cant. ;)



    Cop: "Hey, what in the hell do you think you're doing?!"


    Eric: "Do you see any "no climbing" signs? I see "No fishing" - "No Swimming" - "No Littering" - but I sure don't see any "No Climbing" signs!"


    Cop: "You have to come down sometime, kid!"


    ... and then next year we'll see "No Climbing" added to all of the signs. tongue.gif

  5. Originally posted by pgsrt-4:


    My mom went to work today in her ford taurus station wagon. Meanwhile my car is still stuck at the bottom of my driveway from trying to park it last night. graemlins/lol.gif

    Yea, I watched my other neighbor take prolly 15 running starts in a vain attempt to get their van into the garage.


    It was stuck this morning on the street, just like every car in the 'hood. :D

  6. Originally posted by Car Enthusiast:

    you have 4wd and was in a cornfield


    once again


    city boys graemlins/nonono.gif

    I tell you what. Why don't you use your "country" Dublin logic and tell me how 4WD is supposed to help you on ice?


    Friggen moron.

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