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Posts posted by excell

  1. your mostly right except in the fact that there was no small chance of this coming to light. It was going to happen one way or another. keep in mind that even if all of this wouldnt have happend right now, it would have eventually because they would just keep cutting corners.


    I didn't say there was a small chance of it becoming a public issue; I said the worst case scenario had the smallest chance of being the scenario that became public. Nevertheless I don't disagree with you, whatever scenario that presented itself up to the worst case could have been corrected on the next model cycle (and likely would have) and thus the risk/reward gamble would have paid off. Just because they "cut corners" (which, by the way I don't believe happened here, I believe most of the defects are simply arrogance breeding negligence) doesn't mean they'll always or continue to do so. These issues very well could have been a string of isolated incidents and corrected in the future. We'll never know, and neither will anyone else outside of Toyota. But they'll take their licking now, lose some market share, break a few hearts, but they'll be back on top soon.


    Our best hope is that in the short term enough people choose to buy something domestic and it restarts a buy American renaissance - not likely, but wouldn't that be grand? Frankly I see this whole thing benefiting Ford and the Korean’s the most. But it's all going to be short term.

  2. Toyota is DONE. Laughing stock of the world right now. Buy a hyundai.


    They've got serious issues, sure, but they're hardly "done". What Toyota is doing is no different than many other automakers - they made a business decision based on risk/reward. In the "normal" course, they would have made fistfuls of money and refused to resolve/covered up known issues because it would cost magnitudes more money to permanently fix than to pay out several lawsuits and take a temporary reputation hit. Unfortunately, their risk has manifested in nearly the worst possible scenario (which had very low probability) but is now reality. They're just hurt. In a few years not many people will care or remember.


    http://userpages.umbc.edu/~cpaul1/theintegralworm/EthicalPaper_2.htm - pay specific attention to the first table, mid-page.

  3. I recommend and am currently listed with:


    Jim & Tara Thomas

    Residential, Commercial, Industrial Relocation Specialists HER

    5725 Perimeter Dr., Dublin, OH 43017

    Direct Dial: 614-734-7833

    jim@jamesthomas.biz http://www.jamesthomas.biz


    They took great care of a good friend, he sold two places and bought one with them. They're good folks. If you get in touch with them, kindly mention Chris Green referred you - I like folks to know when I'm thinking of them.

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