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Posts posted by excell

  1. When we ate at M we thought it stood for "mediocre". The appetizers were not good; we had tempura prawns and crab cake and felt we've gotten much better quality tempura at several sushi restaurants (Shoku, Kooma, even Haiku) and the crab cake was b-l-a-n-d. For entrees I had surf-and-turf and she had sea bass, both "meh" and again bland. The quality, taste, and price just weren't up to par with Cameron Mitchell and vastly outshined by other restaurants in Columbus.


    The only really positive part of the experience was the staff. I had a very candid conversation with our server and the head chef, the house took care of most of our bill and they were very upset (at themselves) for our poor experience. I haven't chosen to go back and try it again because there are just better options in my opinion.


    I would think about Cameron's Steakhouse, but I haven't been back since it was sold to Ruth's Chris. I would hardly believe the quality has gone down with the ownership change. We had a fantastic experience there and it was one of few places I've actually received my steak exactly the way I want it: Black and blue, black (crisp) outside bloody inside with *no* gray or brown.

  2. But Iowa faced 4 top 25 defenses this season.


    Agreed, I wasn't knocking Iowa. I'm glad they got the bid. Interestingly as well I read earlier that is one of a handful or maybe the only time in BCS history where they took all top-10 teams and didn't jump anyone.

  3. I honestly think TCU can compete with anyone in the country because they are a complete team. They've always had a nice defense under Patterson but now they've developed a solid offense to go with it and you see the results. Oregon St., WVU and Pitt are definitely quality opponents for Cincy but so were BYU and Utah for TCU. All of those teams I'd put on the same level of competition so Cincy played 1 more quality opponent than TCU and over the course of their seasons 1 more bowl team. I don't think 1 more good team on the schedule accounts for the difference in margin of victory though... especially when the margin of victory was so large against their toughest opponents.


    I certainly don't disagree. Alabama seems to be only team with an ultimate clear case for anything, I could have it a few other ways for any of the other teams. This year was just so... strange... in how scoring and statistics came down. Did you know Cincinnati is #120 - dead last - in time of possession? Yet still undefeated. It's a relatively benign statistic, but still makes you say "huh". Iowa is 80-somethingth in scoring, yet in the Orange Bowl... :lol:

  4. Why does Cincy "deserve" the shot against Florida? I think TCU is the best of the unbeatens not in the title game. Maybe better than those in the title game. They're a truly complete team (top 10 offense, top 10 defense) and won by 4 TD's on average. Cincy has no defense to speak of and their offense has one speed. TCU killed the two top 25 teams they faced by a combined score of 93-35. Cincy beat the two top 25 teams they faced by a combined 4 points.


    TCU is a good football team, but their schedule wasn't as aggressive as Cincinnati and for this reason alone their stats are skewed more positive. Yes they beat BYU and Utah by significant margin, and you can stretch Virgina, Clemson and Air Force as teams of significant note on their schedule.


    Cincinnati faced quality opponents in Oregon State, South Florida, West Virginia, and Pittsburgh and stretch with Rutgers, Fresno State, and a much stronger conference as a whole in the Big East. Their margins weren't as large as TCU, but their opponents were better.


    I'm not staying there is a giant margin of difference in each teams vs. Florida case, but I think Cincinnati has the edge. Personally, I think either team would be blown-out by Florida - I'd LOVE it to be the opposite and I'll cheer (and have been cheering) for Cincinnati until then end.

  5. I mean, we were 1 second away from being there this year... and that Texas game was horribly officiated.... but that's a whole other discussion. Bama is going to destroy Texas, they looked horrible against Nebraska. But if both Cincy AND TCU win, then there will really be discussion about 1) who should have played in the NCG and 2) who should finish as the outright #2 in the country as well as why there isn't a playoff system.


    Agreed. What'll be even more interesting is if Alabama loses and Cincinnati POUNDS Florida, would we end up with a co-champion situation where Cincinnati is AP #1? It's possible! Ask Oklahoma.


    I think TCU will win over Boise, and it's going to be a fantastic match up on the national stage. It's not going to do anything for their respective national standings, but the climate this year hasn't exactly produced any better match ups. I mean, what else could we have gotten? TCU vs Cincinnati, Boise vs Florida, Iowa vs GT is about the only other way I would pick it, and TCU vs. Cincinnati doesn't do anything for either team's respective national standing, the big winner would be Boise with a shot at Florida. Give that to Cincinnati, they deserve it.

  6. I'm not saying that we will beat Florida, it's going to be extremely tough. We would have to play like we did in the 4th quarter of the Pitt game, the entire game, and then some.... just to make it close. I have faith though, I know they'll be motivated to finally have a shot at proving themselves. As long as they hang with the Gators, I'll be happy.


    If Cinci beats Florida and Alabama POUNDS Texas it'll basically be a case builder on who should have been playing in the NCG. I don't think it'll end up like this, but oh how interesting if it does...

  7. Yes, I have and have used several. Currently in Qwest in Lewis Center, and while completely worth it (three+ years without so much as a blip) they're prohibitively expensive for a small business. If you want downtown STAY AWAY from Bluemile (if they're still in business), check out Datacenter 101. Small environments are being resold through iBeam Solutions at a pretty good rate, larger/wholesale is still direct (I believe).


    Question for you, if you're just looking at small instances of those two boxes have you considered Amazon EC2?

  8. bing travel will tell you if the price is going to go up or down. Basically they are cheapest when you buy them direct from the airline.


    Used them last time, glad I did. I now go between Bing Travel and Kayack.

  9. Well before? I remember it as being the same day. You have already been proven by Stillman to be posting stuff that is untrue. You have no credibility.


    BTW How could I bump a year old thread if I wasn't a mod? last time I checked regular members can't do that. And all posts that are 6 months old are automatically locked.


    :o Your rules not mine.


    So are you mistaken again?


    You're correct, I had that backwards - I made you a miserable user well before you demanded to be removed as a mod. And it wasn't the same day, it was May 11th. You had your little temper tantrum and demanded to be removed on May 18th. Talk about not remembering and no credibility. You've already tried to accuse me of taking sides on sponsorship, which is a flat LIE. So who has a credibility problem?


    Stillman himself said he couldn't find what he posted.


    As for what I said, I can't find the thread anymore. It's on here somewhere.


    It can't be found because it was deleted so you couldn't read it.


    Bottom line is, you're butthurt over being treated the same as any other member and you expect some gold fucking bade of honor.

  10. Oregons offense scares the crap out of me, I watched the game with them demolishing USC and they had no anwser what-so-ever for Oregons offense. It should be a good game but like people are saying OSU will have to be aggressive meaning Tressel not calling the plays!!


    This is just going to be a defensive game for us, no question. Our offense of course has to get it done, but Oregon doesn't have a particularly strong defense. We'll have to stop them. As far as play calling, don't expect Tressel to give that up anytime soon. But hey if we need an offensive coordinator/caller I hear Charlie Weis is seeking employment! :lol: NOT!

  11. I agree, killers do win football. But you have to balance killer with lawyer. Unfortunately Tressel is a little more lawyer than I think it takes to really win on a national level - but he's the perfect Big 10 coach. Like it or not that is what matters the most to the most; the school, boosters, and yes many fans.
  12. No idea what Chris is talking about you going to OR and whining. I'd just posted something along the lines of you were pissed off because of the work you do on here and Chris put you in the miserable user group. I said you guys should talk and work this shit out because it was petty and retarded. Oh hai guys, look where we are again!


    Absolutely correct, except the entire thing was worded more like a crybaby pity party and it's really too bad it was deleted after Ben was re-promoted as a mod so he couldn't read it.


    exactly, chris put me in the miserable users category, and I said well if I can't do what I am supposed to do then I don't need to do so. I took it as my pink slip.


    Absolutely incorrect, you demanded to be removed as a mod well before I punished you for bringing a year old and locked thread to the top for no good reason. I didn't treat you any differently than I would have treated any member.

  13. I went back to Ohio Riders? I have like 10 posts on that board and I don't think I have posted there all year. Is Ben telling you untrue things? I get an e-mail from that board each month to come back. I don't own a bike so I don't. Chris I left because as Sponsorship Coordinator, I disagreed how things were being dictated to me. Some Admins such as yourself favored some sponsors and didn't care about others. I try to treat them all the same and be fair. The bullshit where everyone had robs logo in their sig was ridiculous. I didn't feel I could be fair with my hands tied. I also had other stuff planned for the time I was gone, I was in AZ and doing other things. The last straw was you putting me as a miserable user for me bumping an old thread to prove you were a hypocrite. LOL How mature was that? So I said fuck it, why do I need to do work for this place if the owners brother acts like a complete tool to me all the time, when we have only said hi to each other once in a parking lot. (end of George's Cruise I believe) I don't get your hatred for me, you can dish shit out but I guess you can't take it. But hey your reputation on here precedes you, anyone on here before the last few years knows how much of a troll you are.


    Cliffs, Yes when I am made a "miserable user" and asked to do a responsibility around here and put time in, as a volunteer I might add, you bet I'm gonna leave and not let you walk all over me.


    Who the fuck are you to me? Answer, Nobody. Say the word and I am out of here. I don't have to be here, I agreed to help out your brother. If I am not wanted let me know. it's as easy as that. Thanks for the attention though, your time in this is pleasure enough.


    You show me one ounce of proof where I ever favored one sponsor over another, or hell even got involved in sponsorship e-battles. If you're trying to bitch about admins and sponsorship preference all you're doing is unjustly throwing shit on Anthony who was simply trying to keep peace, check your facts. Anyone who knows me understands very clearly where I stand on sponsorship issues and why I'm so staunchly level in the treatment of sponsors. You don't, so keep lying your ass off.


    I've been hands-off in the management of this place for years. My capacity is to host it and provide support to Anthony. I'm also not going to deny my conduct from 10 years ago when I was 17 and your key phrase "anyone on here before the last few years" because I'll be the first to admit I mellowed out as I've matured and gotten older. So sue me for being an immature teenager. What the fuck is your excuse? You strut the fuck around here and abuse the power Anthony has given you, and I've had to tell you several times to chill the fuck out in the moderator section AND had to ask Anthony to speak with you about your conduct. So who's the fucking hypocrite?


    I and CR doesn't owe you shit for your service, and I'm not going to have anyone walk around here on eggshells because we might piss off the mighty volunteer Ben who thinks we owe him something. There are far more people who have done more and care more for CR than you ever have, and your volunteer assistance is NOT a golden ticket to being a fuckstick to anyone you pass nor is treating you with kid gloves fair to any other volunteer who offers their time and service for the good of CR. If you don't fucking like it, then get the fuck out. Because I sure as fuck could care less about your "service" when I have to deal with the people you upset.

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