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Posts posted by excell

  1. Originally posted by gergwheel:

    it is F1 i think to get into the bios on some comps. also that isnt your problem, i think it is your video card drivers, try getting the newest release of the drivers from the manufacturer of the card or laptop.

    No. Stop trying to confuse him. How can it be a driver problem if it worked before, but just decided to stop working. Yet the native resolution displays fine.


    Stop posting, you suck at life.

  2. You are right about something; your signature says it all. You are a stuck up, conceded bitch.


    I think it's great that you started a thread about someone being stupid, especially since you cannot properly use the English language. Not to mention you drive a Volkswagen.


    OMGHI2U!!1!111! im @ gurl on t<e>eh intarweb OMG! i m on @ car bored wit guyz!!!11! OMG LOL i M pretty OMGOMGLOL!!!! t<e>eh FAT chikz r BAD OMG!!11!1!

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