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Everything posted by excell

  1. No. The 3.8l is not a 3800. They are 99.4% different from eachother.
  2. www.intense-racing.com We are in Westerville. smile.gif
  3. Yea, leaving now. Call me if you want a ride. smile.gif
  4. Yes, but it's not the same without you helping me.
  5. I had worked the late shift at Target (those were the days!) the night before, and got home around midnight. I didn't have to work until 4:30P the next day, so I was sleeping in. I got a phone call from my (ex) girlfriend at ~9:45A and she told me that we were being attacked, and to turn on the television. I flipped it on just in time to watch in horror as the second plane hit the World Trade Center. I immediately called my Father and asked him what the hell was happening, and he said something to me that I had never heard him say, he said he didn't know what was going on and he was scared. If you know my Dad, as many of you do, you know how frightening that can be. I was terrified. I continued to watch in horror as the news broke into the crash at the Pentagon, and then in Pennsylvania, and then back to New York and the World Trade Center as the towers fell from the sky. I watched as a stunned and ill-prepared FAA pulled every plane from the sky in a desperate attempt to try and control the situation. I remember as they were talking about how almost all of the planes were now grounded, I heard the sound of an airplane outside. But it wasn't a normal airplane engine, no; I remembered that sound from my years in Florida next to the Air Force Base. It was the sound of a jet. I ran outside to see, not one jet, but six F-15's blaze through the open sky. Not something usually seen in Columbus. After they had passed, I stood there dumbfounded at the sound... of nothingness. There was nothing. No traffic, no air planes, no helicopters, nothing. I couldn't believe it. Something that hadn't happened in a CENTURY and probably will never happen again, there was no air traffic. That is when the gravity of the entire situation sunk in. I stood there in the quiet, and it was the loudest sound of horror I had ever heard.
  6. Naw, I've had it. But 9 out of 10 people I tell about it say "Huh? What's a DVR?" Then I have to kick them in the colon for being so stupid. So I'm spreading the word to save on shoe wear.
  7. This is only for people that have digital cable. If you are still using analog cable, you should go shoot and/or hang yourself right now because you are a stupid waste of my air. Quit using the resources that the rest of the civilized world needs. You are the cause of global warming, fuel shortages, OPEC, low carb diets, class D fireworks, and North Korea. Kill yourself. Anyway, if you have digital cable and don’t have DVR, then you are only one step above fly larva. Get it. It’s only $7 a month, so lay off the phone sex lines for 10 minutes and get DVR. Now PayPal me $10 for making your life more enjoyable.
  8. However, it is quite obvious that you grew up with the majority of a democrats education plan. tongue.gif
  9. Especially for a newbie... This is like walking up to Satan and telling him he is a hippie. Yes, I am comparing myself to Satan.
  10. Now look, it's at 0! Dissapearing act! Newbie. graemlins/jerkit.gif
  11. Just because I'm not posting, doesn't mean I'm not doing negative things in the background. tongue.gif
  12. Your Vehicle: 2005 Cobalt MSRP Range:* $14,190.00 - $21,995.00
  13. I hope you're not serious. graemlins/nonono.gif
  14. They run one of our transaxle parts in that turd. smile.gif
  15. How can you make out anything in that picture? It looks like rims floating in pudding...
  16. You are so lame. If you have negative posts, you cannot have a posts per day. But you already know this and are just trying to stir up shit. tongue.gif
  17. Nice try, but it says 0 because I edited the registration date to 2069. One cannot have a "posts per day" if they have not registered yet. Who would be lame enough to add posts anyway? graemlins/gay.gif
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