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Everything posted by excell

  1. excell


    No way. It's about two hours from Columbus also.
  2. Wackiness: 60/100 Rationality: 34/100 Constructiveness: 56/100 Leadership: 38/100 You are a WECF--Wacky Emotional Constructive Follower. This makes you a candle burning at both ends. You work until you drop, and you play until you can stand to work again. You have so much enthusiasm that you can find it hard to control on your own, and you appreciate the guidance that channels your energy and lets you be your best. In a relationship, you require lots of attention and support. You often over-contribute and end up feeling depleted and cheated. You may benefit from more time alone than you grant yourself. Your driving force is the emotional support of others--especially affection. You can run on empty for miles if you have positive energy behind you. Without it--as it occasionally must run dry--you are depressive, listless, and difficult to motivate. You need a lot of affection. Get it any way you can, but never at the cost of your self-respect or well-being. Thought I was a CHAH - Cold hearted asshole.
  3. You can always try posting them on www.ClubGP.com You can drop my name and screen name Excell69 as a refrence. smile.gif
  4. WTF is "TV hold bolts to your seat and comes up 25.00"
  5. $725 is a lot man, even with tires.
  6. These are our 42.5# Lucas/Bosch injectors. http://www.intense-racing.com/Merchant2/graphics/00000001/f425_300.jpg
  7. I’m going to add in my two cents here also… I’m sick of this CR versus RC bullshit. Let it go. If you want to do what they do, go there. But this shit has to stop. The next person that posts negative bullshit like this is gone. Let it die people.
  8. excell

    Topic Closed

    There, all fixed. Now ALL of you go find something better to do. Sheesh, it's a Midol party here tonight... graemlins/thumbsdown.gif
  9. excell

    Topic Closed

    I agree, this is fucking stupid. graemlins/nonono.gif
  10. You are now my favorite newbie. I love you. Really.
  11. LOL, you have been Nazi moderated!
  12. Rule #1: Don't ever post that again. redface.gif
  13. excell

    IT Crash

    So, how many of you who got canned/laid off/ejected/dejected ect. in the IT crash still work in IT today? How many of you make as much, or more, than you did before the crash? How many of you are flipping burgers to stay alive? I, myself, am only 1/4 as much in IT (do not do it day to day) and I'm not making near the money I was before. I understand this is a personal subject, but I would like to know how the IT market is doing. Thanks. tongue.gif
  14. excell


    Damn, I wish I was home a little more too.
  15. Today my friend sent me a link over there, and it tried to pull down all kinds of spyware through a pop-up ad. Don't go over there unless you have your security settings on high (for IE). graemlins/gay.gif
  16. excell


    Yea, I'll be sitting on my butt at home watching TV like I always do. tongue.gif
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