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Posts posted by excell

  1. The IT side of these issues is always pretty cut and dry, and most IT people will want to sell you everything they can do to make it 100% perfect (in their eyes) so I'm not surprised by the ~10k quote. The hard part is walking the business-case and assisting decision makers with the most appropriate choice for the situation. The world needs more IT people who speak business as well as technology. :)
  2. I don't know, I haven't cracked the case yet but it is a solid 10 years old. I am concerned with my ability to keep the exact functionality of the old system. Ex: I'm sure it is providing DHCP service should I just mimic the old settings?


    Given what you've written here, you have a business decision to make. Can you save money and afford downtime/configuration play time/reconfiguration time? If not, you'll want to contract with someone who can help you transfer and get it right the first time.

  3. If you're content with your current hardware other than the drive space issues, why not add more drive space?




    An enterprise that size can get away with a $1-2k server depending on options and warranty. Maybe even significantly less depending on what's on sale, etc.


    You can re-install Server 2003 legally as long as you remove the old server within 30 days.


    I would not recommend UNIX for this enterprise. I'm assuming that you're already in Active Directory for the current setup? If not, I would setup the new enterprise with AD.


    I'm neither licensed nor bonded but I have been working in this kind of environment for many years with an extensive resume to back it up. I'll be happy to discuss your current setup or even have a look and discuss a quote. Feel free to PM me.

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