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Everything posted by excell

  1. excell


    The trach tube is going in tomorrow. They had to put him on more oxygen today, and they're monitoring a bit of an uptick in his temperature for a residual infection and new infection of the pancreas, which is apparently somewhat common.
  2. excell


    So, basically, 2 steps forward, one back. He's still moving forward in tiny tiny steps, but still very sick and not strong enough to breathe on his own still. He is spending most time sedated to keep him from agonizing when he wakes up, mostly due to the breathing tube we think. They're moving forward with putting in a trach tube so they can get the breathing tube out of his mouth - he's been on the breathing tube more than two weeks which is too long. Sounds like they're aiming to put that in tomorrow.
  3. excell


    He was at 55 earlier. I don't recall the meds off hand.
  4. excell


    No major changes today. Hoping for the re-eval for the breathing tube tomorrow and if he's getting strong enough, get that fucking thing out of his face. I can't imagine how annoyed he is, haha. We're pretty similar in personality style and I would be PISSED!
  5. excell


    No major changes today. He seems to be "perking up" a little bit, which is also a struggle because he gets pretty agitated when he's aware. Some small good signs physically are starting to pop up. Seems like we're in 2 steps forward, 1 back mode right now... at least it's forward progress.
  6. excell


    Apologies for missing the update yesterday, crushed by work.
  7. excell


    Update for today: He's resting again with more sedation meds. They're not sure why his lung capacity is so low, but the CT did not show any serious infection (pneumonia). It sounds like they're preparing for him to have a longer initial recovery than we all hoped - they're considering moving the breathing tube to his chest so can get use of his face again which I am sure will go a long way to helping him relax when he's awake. Looks like this may be turning into a marathon instead of a sprint. Thanks for your prayers and thoughts of him. I know he appreciates it.
  8. excell


    Sunday update: He's "awake" in that his eyes are open, but he's still not super responsive. I actually preferred when he was mostly sleeping... can't imagine what's going through his head right now. Hope it's nothing and he's just zoned out. His lung capacity is still low, they did a CT to try and see why... should know tomorrow. We still have a ways to go here.
  9. excell


    They don't think so. They told us on Friday, it is physically impossible to eat enough food of any kind to get the levels that high. Like the human body just cannot get that high on diet alone.
  10. excell


    Not much change today. He did start opening his eyes more and for longer, and seems to have a bit of recognition if you talk with him. Still pretty agitated. Can't wait for the breathing tube to be out. No, no real idea yet. They're still trying to get him stable. All we know was severe pancreatitis with triglycerides over 8000.
  11. excell


    Yea we'll keep everyone updated. It's gonna be a while.
  12. excell


    Friday update: I was in the hospital with him today. No real changes. They're trying to back the sedation meds off again, hopefully he responds better this time. He opens his eyes briefly if you talk with him and is moving around a bit (a pretty good sign). Still a long road ahead. Holy shit Bill is still around here! Hey Bill!
  13. excell


    Of course. I am headed to Columbus early tomorrow. Will let y'all know what's up when I know.
  14. excell


    Morning update: No real changes, they consider him "stable" but he's still asleep. They're going to try backing down the meds again today and waking him up a bit. Hopefully he responds well. No, they still have no idea.
  15. excell


    Thanks y'all. With any luck, weeks not months.
  16. I'll add: if it's not the PSU, it's the motherboard. PSU is simple to plug and troubleshoot so start there.
  17. I'd bet it's the power supply. Have you tired an alternate PSU, or even put a multimeter on the PSU when it's doing weird things? It's not the RAM, it's either gonna run or it's not. It's not Windows.
  18. excell


    He took a step back tonight. They say it's "normal" to regress some I guess. He's back to being fully sedated essentially and extra oxygen, and no other changes.
  19. excell


    Morning update: Still no real changes, positive or negative. They put him back on the sedation meds and put him back fully to sleep. His blood pressure was spiking while he was "awake" no doubt due to his intense burning hatred for hospitals and the breathing tube. When they pull the tube, it sounds like Friday at the earliest now.
  20. excell


    Marchand is a dirty piece of shit player. I'll be amazed if there is any supplemental discipline but there definitely should be. What a game, though.
  21. excell


    /Shrug haha
  22. excell


    Will do. Looking like Friday.
  23. excell


    Not a lot of change today. They're still pulling him off of sedation meds, and he still has a breathing tube, and is getting agitated. Wish/pray for him to have some patience.... Hah.
  24. excell


    Appreciate that -- I think everyone is good as of now. We very much appreciate everyone.
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