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Everything posted by excell

  1. Good for Saturn. Hopefully this means the rebuilding of their brand as more than a laughing afterthought at the hands of fist-fucking GM executives. We desperately need an American-based lower-market competitor with quality products.
  2. For what it's worth, this is off-duty for hire work. The church/event/etc. hires the cop from the city, the cop is paid overtime and the city makes a few dollars off of it.
  3. If you have to ask, you're breaking a rule.
  4. What the hell is a "born again virgin"? Is that like finding Jesus or something?
  5. I agree that increasing our taxes is the wrong solution at the wrong time. However, my wife and several people we know will probably lose their jobs if it doesn't pass. The impact to our family is well under $1000/year, well worth the cost for her to keep her position and keep doing great things in her department. As well as continue the good work of others who are threatened, and potentially reinstate a few who were doing great things for us and have already been cut. We'll be voting for it. The correct solution is to reform how our city government does business, because as we see the sympathetic side of the situation we also know the darkness of running the system. There are vastly too many high paid people riding out their positions to retirement, dragging down the system and wasting copious amounts of money in the process. For every three great employees in the city, there is one completely wasting resources and gaming their position. If you want to begin to make an impact, write letters to city council and the mayor asking them to reform our city government employment process and cut out the cancer within the ranks - not the good people who go first because of ridiculous seniority rules and hen order.
  6. I'm in a similar position. I still like working for my company, but I don't feel like I'm contributing to the depth I desire. My recommendations fall on deaf ears, the politics never change, and I feel my career stagnating. That's how I know it's probably time to go. It's especially painful because I've been here going on five years, I was the first employee and the company has met success largely upon my shoulders. I'm still here because we're not planning on staying in Columbus much longer, and I can use the freedom I'm allowed to pursue educational opportunities and personal growth. But even that is nearing the end of it's novelty, I'm ready for new challenges. I think when you're ready for new challenges, new faces, and a refreshed outlook on your career - that's when it's time to go.
  7. Tell her to do her own damn research.
  8. That's like saying the Big Three are still common enemies because they fought each other during the 60's.
  9. Uhhh. Apparently I need to set autolock to 6 months instead of 9.
  10. Here's the solution: We're all enthusiasts. So everyone go outside, drive your fuckin' cars, and shut the fuck up. It's not January anymore.
  11. They're not filing yet. That's only speculation on a potential plan. They'll have to file, I'm 9x% sure, but it's not official yet.
  12. That would be Central Ohio Engine, and that's where I would have the work done as well. They're not terribly expensive, IMO.
  13. Por vous, I would part for $40. I bought them to have a second set in case the battery life sucked or something, but they've been so good I haven't had to open the box.
  14. It's a flying Paul Schaffer, and no.
  15. No, I like water. You can have the cigarettes in the console.
  16. I'll take it. I can get the title.
  17. Get a set of Dell BH200's. I use them everyday and love them. http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/productdetail.aspx?sku=313-6220&cs=04&c=us&l=en&dgc=SS&cid=27722&lid=628335 I have an extra (brand new) set I might part with...
  18. This thread is full of LOL and fail.
  19. Wife's cousin has one of these. It's worse than her Ion, what a pile.
  20. Sweet man, love that city. Funny story - I was there during the Lehman meltdown in September. Walked by the Lehman building the day of and the LED facade still said Lehman (and lots of people in suits were leaving escorted by security). Walked by the two days later and it was Barclays just like your picture.
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