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Everything posted by excell

  1. Y'aoutta come see it, dude. Between the paint and detail the car has 15 years off of it. The interior looks brand new.
  2. Man, you beat me to the forum for my thank you post. Thanks again so much - the pics are GREAT and hell, don't even do it justice. The interior looks brand new again! FYI I put the redirect in the consumer reports section. The pics do all the talking!
  3. The love. Flushed my brakes and fixed my newly fucked up steering. All at good price. Very good price! So.much.love.
  4. Nope. *Sometimes* you get lucky and if they have a Clerk of Courts (like West Broad) they'll have one. But IIRC the Clerk section is closed on Saturday anyway. Any open bank should have a notary on site - try one in a grocery store.
  5. Dude I have those same shoes, just in green and blue.
  6. You mean giving people money to increase their debt with a rapidly depreciating asset? Why would that be a bad idea?
  7. Go see him for bodywork RIGHT NOW. He took great care of my SVO - a little R&R and she looks 10 years newer. THANK YOU KEVIN!
  8. This morning NPR reported the system has such a huge backlog that they feared it would run out of money before everyone was serviced. So it's been temporarily suspended until they can clear the backlog and see where the program stands. So it technically hasn't run out of money yet, but it's just had such an unprecedented response that they couldn't keep up. Pretty incredible, IMO.
  9. http://www.toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20090730/BUSINESS02/907309960 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090730/ap_on_go_ot/us_cash_for_clunkers Holy shit. That didn't take long!
  10. Fellatio is accepted substitution for +rep. What? In the dark it all feels the same, fuck off.
  11. Picture this: A set of balls. They're in a competition of speed. Nad race.
  12. Every time I see his screen name I think "nad race".
  13. excell


  14. Truth. LAY THE FUCK DOWN!
  15. excell


  16. excell

    IT Folks...

    Pay, baby, pay. M$ considers R2 a separate OS from 2003 and requires it's own upgrade license. Charity pricing is low, of course, donation is even better. But you'll have to walk through the upgrade on la'server.
  17. BTW, I am *not* a medical professional - I just know a lot about this and keep a eye on it. In no way should you take my opinions over the advice of any medical professional. Like I said, you'll know when something is bigger than just flu symptoms - be smart and keep a cool head. Don't panic and *rest*.
  18. No, the Tamiflu is going to make you feel like hammered hell - probably worse than the flu would. You need to watch for *severe* symptoms such as fever over 102, crippling vomiting/chills/hot flashes, fainting, etc. In the end, be smart - you'll know if you're just panicking or if something is *really* wrong.
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