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Everything posted by excell

  1. excell

    Dark Knight

    You are now my favorite member. For today.
  2. excell

    Dark Knight

    I must have the full size version of this!
  3. Large or small batch?
  4. Sweet. Now I need another one...
  5. It's better than I heard, however the phone calls I've received today from people outside of our world are still extremely skeptical.
  6. excell

    Dark Knight

    That was redundantly redundant. Two hours is not enough sleep...
  7. excell

    Dark Knight

    The movie was awesome. I was enthralled the entire time, which hasn't happened in a very long time.
  8. Cool little car. I'd rock one for sure.
  9. I had a great question PM'd to me (name omitted) and I'd like to share it with everyone:
  10. Hah, I've been to that Waffle House.
  11. I will not delete or censor anything discussed. It's up the members of Columbus Racing to decide how much risk they're willing to take with their discussions.
  12. Recent actions by a few members of Columbus Racing and the ensuing backlash has prompted me to clarify the position of Columbus Racing and clearly explain what we're about: First, so that all know, not only am I an administrator of Columbus Racing, I also host the forums and website in their entirety. My position with my company allows Columbus Racing to share a server in the best collocation data center in the Midwest with ridiculous amounts of bandwidth completely free of charge. Columbus Racing, as an "entity", does not condone street racing or any other illegal activity and we adamantly encourage people to take it off of this forum. Columbus Racing exists solely for friendly banter and legal organization of like-minded individuals. I will always cooperate with any legal investigation, without repulse, and every member should know that nothing is safe including private messages. I have many months (even years, in some cases) of complete backups and all are open and available to any member of the law. Nothing is "safe" on the internet. If you want to do illegal crap, don't do it on the internet and certainly don't do it on our forum. I understand this may upset you, but I felt a reality-check was in order.
  13. Believe me, I know it. I still have a couple legacy clients that were good to my company in the "good old days" so while I don't do it much anymore, I still have to occasionally. Ah well, keeps me sharp.
  14. Back to the gym last week. Working on that. Thanks again, all. My wife and I had a great night in last night, she baked me a cake and we got blasted on wine. I'm a lucky guy.
  15. So you're Drew from Dayton, where's the third D?
  16. I don't know of any GeoTherm companies, but I thought I would comment on the mediocrity of many sales people. I just don't understand how these people put food on the table. What ever happened to taking some initiative and being good at what you've chosen to do?
  17. Because: I enjoy what I do, though I'm anything but satiated with my current position. I yearn for explosive growth but know that time, patience, and learning will bring me there - a paradox if ever I've written one. Today, being my birthday, brings a bit deeper thought into the subject as I usually take a few minutes to reflect on the past year and how I've grown. I'm 26 years old today; my top-three major accomplishments in the last year: Married to a wonderful woman, been promoted to Manager of our network engineering operations, paid off all of my unsecured debt. Looking upon those accomplishments are why I do what I do. The next major accomplishment for me should be defining who I am, because as of yet I haven't solidified who I am and what I want to do - why I do what I do is easy. It's going to be an exciting question to answer...
  18. You're all being arrested!!! Muwahahaha!!!
  20. Yes, but troubleshooting network or connectivity issues over the phone is a pain without basic tools loaded by default. Extra steps for the technician, extra typing and frustration for the customer, it's a no-win.
  21. He's on Vista (Version 6.0.6000) and telnet is not installed by default. It's ridiculous, I know.
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