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Everything posted by excell

  1. excell


    Speed okay for everyone?
  2. excell


    I need to update the software next. After that, Anthony can go nuts.
  3. excell


    I can has cheeseburger?
  4. excell


    Subscribed for email testing...
  5. excell


    Everything okay?
  6. excell


    Say goodnight, Raquel...
  7. excell


    Getting closer.... got the static files moved and vhost definition created, almost ready for SQL. Just waiting to get some big apps off the new server and onto our brand new cluster.
  8. excell


    I'm not being paid to host CR; therefore you're not my customers.
  9. excell


    Why do it after hours when I'm paying myself to do it during the day?
  10. excell


    Sometime today or tomorrow I'll be closing down CR for about an hour while I transition it to another sever. Not exactly sure what time, playing it by ear. Chris
  11. Looks great! I might have to steal your idea next time I'm doing something worthy of pictures.
  12. Go see it again. You missed the best 15 minutes of the movie!
  13. Other than the soundtrack, I thought it was a great movie. Perfect Daniel Day-Lewis.
  14. Yea this being ~20 degrees colder than normal stuff is getting old.
  15. Don't have to take the whole day off, you can meet me at my office in the evening and we can grab some chow if there's time. Lot's of great places nearby! I have plenty of parking too.
  16. Do it Jono. Any pain you have or will go through now will only be much, much worse 10 years from now - if you can stand it that long. I hate the dentist too and I dreaded every appointment through the process. But I just kept reminding myself that while having a cavity filled sucked, having the crown done sucked worse. The crown is the next step after a filling in a line that ends at dentures. You don't want dentures.
  17. If you end up being able to go, get me a ticket too and I'll pay you back. I'll go with you. Free parking at my office. When's the album due out?
  18. excell


    If you like thin crust, try this: Pre-heat your oven to 375 with your pizza stone in for like an hour so the stone gets GOOD and HOT! If you don't have a stone this recipe will still work, but your crust won't get as nice and crispy on a pan. Stones are cheap, buy one! Take two flour tortillas, brush one with egg whites and stick the other to it (like gluing them together with the whites). Then brush the top one with either a little olive oil or with pesto as your base if you're doing a white pizza. The oil keeps the toppings/sauce from soaking in. Add your sauce if you're using it, but be easy with sauces because too much will make it gross, just a nice thin to medium coating. Top with whatever you want and bake for about 10 minutes or until cheese is slightly browning (if you're using cheese). The crust will crisp up and be awesome if you used a stone. Don't be discouraged if it doesn't come out perfect the first time you try it. It takes a little practice to get it right, and don't be afraid to play with the heat a little. More toppings, etc. will affect your heat. If I'm doing a basic white pizza with light cheese, 350 usually works a bit better. But you're not going to ruin them unless you burn them, its pizza!
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