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Everything posted by excell

  1. Anthony, I was just as Kevin's shop and saw your car. I decided I'd like to further support our sponsor so I hit your car with a sledge hammer. I didn't think you'd mind. KEKEKEKEKEKEKE!!!
  2. This is a good album!
  3. I know we've got a few parts/service guys here for Saturn. I need a part for my fiancée’s 2004 Saturn Ion coupe. It's the black fog light filler/fascia sub-structure. I can grab a picture if needed, but it should be pretty clear. Would you PM me if you can help procure this part? Thank you.
  4. Heeeellllll yea, NOM NOM NOM is right.
  5. Downloading.... errrrr ahhhh I mean "buying" now.
  6. I cannot think of a cooler way to die than from overindulgence of Cadbury Eggs.
  7. Nice find. I plan to eat my weight in Cadbury's Eggs (both classic and chocolate) this weekend!
  8. ...hip hop and rap music...
  9. I've heard the tail of this song on 107.5 a couple times, it's called "Superstar" or something similar. Who's it by and what's it really called?
  10. I'm coming home and not doing anything. Sounds GREAT to me.
  11. There are no pics at your link.
  12. Microsoft Streets and Trips
  13. $95.52? What size tank is in it? Mine is 18 gallons.
  14. I loved Puerto Rico. Rented a house with 6 other friends.
  15. lol 95 pounds was hard-lost. I do still have titties, though. Always will unless Icanhassurgery.
  16. He's a bitch because he has bitch tits. True story. Oh, and page 1.
  17. You want a real solution? Stop buying gas. As long as people will pay whatever price for it, the price will not go down. It's a commodity. You either pay for it, or you don't and the price will subsequently reduce until you pay for it again and the cycle continues.
  18. Congratulations Jono!!! Great for you!
  19. If you can even remember that car, you're beyond old school. I was member #6.
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